"Honor is overrated" ?

Day 1,620, 08:38 Published in Canada Canada by Mochan Drust
I published this article just to put something fun to read "on the market" of newspaper articles when you wait the next battle to begin or just want to kill some time, because when I usually want to read some news all the articles are good, but too long and tough and hard to read.

Peaople usually say that honor is overrated, mostly war criminals, but they are people too, right ? But is honor really overrated ? We can see all over the eWorld how countries fight against their allies because they don't want to betray their eFriends. In one hand that is honorable, standing beside your friend no matter what, but in another hand they stabed in the back their allies, who proved their friendship and good intentions so many times, and that is something that someone who is honorable would never do.

My opinion is that you should never betray your allies, because if your friend is using drugs, that doesn't mean you should use drugs too or even encourage him to do that. Besides, French Foreign Legion Code of Honor says:
"Each legionnaire ( ally ) is your brother in arms whatever his nationality, his race or his religion might be. You show him the same close solidarity that links the members of the same family."

Hope you killed some time before the next battle begins in whatever war you are fighting ( even if it's a battle in a war against your greatest enemy - yourself ). Serve your country with honor, even at cost of your own life. There is nothing better than an honorable man.


Forgive my grammar mistakes, English is not my maternal language.

P.S. One more thing: "If someone is your true friend then he wood never put you in such position where you have to choose between your allies and him. If you do have to choose, choose wisely !"