[GOV] A message from Argentina to Turkey

Day 1,357, 20:19 Published in Argentina Argentina by Ga.brik

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Sup Turkey.

It’s been time since the last time we talked, I know we use to talk on extra-officials channels, keeping the good intentions between both countries, it has been a while since we don’t show our cards above the table. And, truth be told, I think that some of those that you call “allies” aren’t playing fair neither. Because we are seeing that Spain is doing dirty deeds again, and if there’s someone that Argentina knows very well, that one is Spain. Someone who used to be our ally and friend, but backstabbed us in the middle of a military campaign because Poland asked them to do so. Not for themselves, but for a colony here in South America (Peru) which was under Polish TO.
Times haven’t changed, and today that colony is property of Spain (maybe it was delivered as a prize for their obedient and quiet loyalty to Poland, who knows?).

And today, in the posteriority of the events that we all have witnessed on the international press, I can’t stop thinking that Spain hasn’t changed. Even if they are the fourth of four, they bully and they think they has the right to impose the word over the rest of thata alliance’s core, even if they haven’t do a thing to deserve that. Everybody who has ever interacted with Spain as a friend or foe, knows that they have a huge ego just because they are a minor partner for Poland, and because of giving them their loyalty and to accept whatever they say.
We both (Spain and Argentina) were in different alliances and we had MPPs and we were friends, but then Poland asked them to betray us and they did it. Today, in a different context, Turkey and Indonesia are in a different alliance than Argentina and you are made of a different wood, since you keep your promise as much as us, and we all Argies are very pleasure of your friendship.

So, another thought invades my mind. If we all know what Spain is and what Spain does, the question I am obliged to do is... Is the blame of Spain of being so aggressive with the alliance’s partners or is the blame of ONE for not controlling their behaviour with other alliance’s associates? Why is that because others members of the alliance respect you as a fellow members, it’s the voice of Spain that sounds racist and aggressive to you? And why is that allowed, after all? Did the position of no-ONE member allow that ONE members can bully you? I think you deserve more than that, even your enemies has respect for you. You call Brazil an enemy just because they tank against you (which is logic after all, you are on ONE’s side and they are on Terra’s side) but several Brazilians replied those articles about you don’t deserve such comments from a country that it’s supposed to be an ally, or at least to be on “the same side”. And, by the way, Brazil helped a lot to you when you were on Terra’s side. The tanking came when you changed sides, but it doesn’t mean each side can have respect for the other. I bring Brazil to the map just to be an easy example, but, the point is, if enemies can have respect for rivals, then why is that a country like Spain that should be on “the same side” can disrespect you and bully you? How could you allow that?

And the entire ONE’s core acts in this way. And I have no doubts that the entire ONE’s core let this happens. And I can justify this by two examples. The first one, is the recent article published by ONE’s Official Press, where we can read, and I quote it:

I had many people asking me about "problems" about relations in alliance. There are no problems! We don't agree on everything but all the time the question is "how to get things better for all of us", on battlefield we always proved already too many times how much we care about each other.

But, we are forgeting something, they don’t consider you as ONE member so then, they are not talking about you here. And the lastest Spanish MoFA Announcement seems to give some credits to the paragraph extracted.
And the second one, it’s about the way the Hungarians managed to “seduce” us to the ONE side some weeks ago: we should break our actual MPPs, sign with ONEs puppets, to traitor everybody basically. That’s the ONE way. And that’s the way they wanted you to play, in fact.

I could finish this article saying “hail this, hail that”. But instead of that, I preffer to call all of you to think what you are doing and who’s around you. Some of those you call friends are not at all, they are more for interest (to “resolve the issue in the Balkans”, as someone said) and some others because you are a true friend, like us 🙂

Greetings and farewell,
CP of Argentina.