
Day 1,232, 13:29 Published in Hungary United Kingdom by GregoryG

I am happy to annouce that after long discussions we have choosen the official mascot of the ONE alliance.

The official mascot is LONGCAT!

What do you have to know about longcat?
Longcat is looooooooooong.


It's me holding longcat in my hands while presenting him to the alliance leadership.

Also some quite usefull infos on the lenght of longcat compared to famous high buildings.

You can clearly see, that Longcats height is OVER 9000! You can't even compare the highest human made building to longcat.

Also, you have to know, tha Longcat has his evil counterpart: Tacgnol!

It has been foretold that they will have a final confrontation, a huge battle called CATNAROK!

This will take place in the last Romanian region, on CATURDAY! Prepare yourselves my fellow soldiers, we will have to fight we all our power for Longcat so he will be able to defeat the evil Tacgnol and so fully conquer and erase Romania.

All hail Longcat!