[ePH-eUSA] Econ Update Day 1,208 | March 12, 2011

Day 1,208, 10:52 Published in Philippines USA by PigInZen
Current Monetary Market Snapshot

The volatility in the monetary markets is subsiding and market ranges are settling in. This is good news for producers and consumers alike. Spreads remain too wide, however, in comparison to stable market history. The 10g maximum is having its most profound effect in the spread. Earlier many eRep economic observers postulated that the effect of the 10g limit would be seen in the Sell Gold side of the market, producing a daily cycle of low prices early in the eRep day and higher prices later in the eRep day as lower offers hit the 10 gold limit and were removed. The fact that the spread is suffering instead is good news for monetary market stability.

Current Marketplace Snapshot - High Volume Industries

With exchange rates settling in, yesterday's noted wild overpricing in gold terms in comparison to eUSA prices has been erased. We're back to the traditional recent position of parity between ePH and eUSA prices in every major category except for iron. Iron prices remain at a 50% premium in the ePH and will continue to hurt weapons producers. Iron production and cost reduction remains the #1 economic priority for the ePhilippines. Acquisition of a Grain region follows at #2.

***I will be expanding this section to cover the all food and weapon quality levels as well as to identify where citizens should be focusing their buying power in both the eUSA and ePH - things like comparing food Q levels by health/cost and renewing my "biggest bang for your buck/power for your peso" section.***

Look for this next week. Currently my data collected is too limited and irregular to do this analysis justice. I am shooting for next Friday for this addition.

No feature article today. Stay dirty, piglets.

Small But Mighty

The ePhilippines can never match the total damage of a large country like the eUSA but rather can exceed her in per capita damage. It's like being Manny Pacquiao to the eUSA's Muhammad Ali. Both kick ass. But Manny Pacquiao is this generation's BAMF. Let's make the ePhilippines this eRep generation's BAMF.