[EN-FR] Fix eRep, fix the eConomy (aka. WaM) // Corrigez le WaM, corrigez erep.

Day 1,280, 14:36 Published in France France by Firartix
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Hey there.

Today i wanted to write an international article about the eRep economy... rather than my usual country oriented crap.
I've been playing since V1, although only from time to time, and since i came back a couple months ago i've really been startled about how bad the V2 economy is.
I don't feel like the admins sorted anything out since, and it's really hurting me...

The main topic of this article is basically simply the Work as Manager, aka. WaM - and its consequences. Although i guess a lot of them are known already by everyone, i want to make everyone think again about how much it affected the economy and how deeply.

In case you would not know, the Work as Manager feature, aka. WaM - allows you to work into each of your companies for only 10 wellness, producing as much as a regular employee.

The FIRST CONSEQUENCE of the addition of this WaM feature was simply a sharp increase in the gold price. Simply because people started buying lots and lots of companies, in order to profit as much as possible of the bonuses.
The gold prices reached epic levels, i think it capped to around 550 FRF/G here, whereas it was 20-40 during V1.

The SECOND CONSEQUENCE is that a lot of people started living off completely the WaM. buying more and more companies. This led to massive overproduction, which completely messed with the prices. I believe the countries are also getting alot less working taxes now.

The THIRD CONSEQUENCE is directly related to the last one: decrease of relations between the CEOs and employees. People care less and less about hiring employees, and simply because it's not a good deal anymore. If you look at job market prices and stuff, you'll notice the manager is paying you more than the finished product value! And that's not even counting the taxes...

The FOURTH CONSEQUENCE is that the whole market is hurt deeply. People producing and selling products do not care about the prices anymore, really. As an example, the price of Q1 food per wellness in France is 30% higher than Q4 right now. And because of how reactive the market is now, it's gonna take ages before the prices goes back to sane amounts.

The FIFTH CONSEQUENCE is about how the WaM is integrated to eRepublik. As much as it harms the economy, everyone is WaMing now. As a matter of fact, some army guys are organizing a damage contest, and they thought about taking into account the first 35 fights at first. Why not 50? Well, to let 'poor people WaM'. That's just about how much it anchored in eRepublik.

My hypothetical last consequence about this whole WaM deal is that it rejects newbies from the game. They don't have enough economy skill and money until quite some time to get such companies, and i believe most of them eventually fall out of the game because of how poorly you can affect anything as a newcomer now. This goes for the military module even more, will all the big guns affecting battles more than countries.

As such, i propose a bunch of stuff that could help correct this whole mess.
First idea would be to simply remove any and all WaM, and therefore refund any company to anyone wanting it. That could cause even more trouble in the game, i dont believe its a good idea.
Another idea could be simply limiting the WaM amount, to something like 2-5 per day, and refund other companies if needed. I believe this would be the best thing to do.
A last option would be bringing reducing consecutive WaM results: the more you WaM in a given day and the least benefits you get. That could be more fair to people using it, especially the ones without a big capital (and therefore less companies).

I'd finish this article by saying that in my opinion, we should not get back to V1 - just as a lot of people claim in their articles. The game changed much since V1, and this goes for the player base too. So i'd rather say that we should aim for a system between Rising, that was allowing for plenty of individual action, and the current system - which is just self macro-management. First one was too complicated and meaningful, second one is too simple yet lame. I might discuss this whole view in a further article.

Thanks a lot for reading this, and please leave comments about your thoughts! Also, vote it up if you found it interesting, i believe everyone should think more deeply about the whole eRepublik economy state.



(scroll down pour passer la séquence racontage de vie)
Ca fait depuis la V1 que je joue, par intermittences, et j'espère toujours voir de nouvelles fonctionnalités super cool a chaque fois que je reviens.
Ca fait quelques mois que je suis revenu déjà, et tout ce que j'ai vu cette fois c'est une économie complétement pétée. Et les admins n'ont pas l'air de faire quoi que ce soit, ce qui m'attriste enormément.

Le sujet principal de cet article est donc le Work as Manager (WaM), et surtout de toutes ses conséquences - même si j'imagine que tout le monde les connait déjà plus ou moins.
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas ce que c'est, c'est le système qui permet à chaque personne possédant une entreprise de travailler dedans pour juste 10 wellness, produisant autant qu'un employé normal.

La PREMIERE CONSEQUENCE de l'ajout de ce système à été la montée rapide du prix des golds. Sérieusement, des golds à 500 FRF/G, vous avez déjà vu ça? Quand je jouais sur la V1 et que ca atteignait 30, c'est que c'était excessivement le bordel.

La SECONDE CONSEQUENCE est que plein de gens ne vivent plus que du WaM. Ca a causé une surproduction massive, et tous les prix sont vraiment, vraiment en bordel en ce moment.

La TROISIEME CONSEQUENCE est le décroit des relations entre les managers et les employés. Il n'est tout simplement plus rentable d'engager des employés: si vous regardez un peu les prix du job market, vous verrez qu'on vous paye plus que le prix de reviens des produits fini... et je parle même pas des taxes.

La QUATRIEME CONSEQUENCE est que le marché est donc peu réactif, et vraiment en vrac! N'importe qui vends n'importe quoi à n'importe quel prix, et tout le monde s'en fout. Pour info, au moment ou j'écris cet article, la food Q1 est 30% moins rentable que la food Q4. Et j'imagine que ca ne va pas se corriger avant un bon moment...

Enfin, tout ca veut dire que les nouveux joueurs auront plus de mal a se lancer dans le jeu. Il faut plus de sous et plus de skill pour monter des boites WaM, et pouvoir faire quoi que ce soit.
Ajoutez y toutes les histoires du module militaire et des gars qui tapent plus que des pays entiers (romper inside), et vous imaginez à quel point eRep est interessant pour un nouveau joueur.

Par contre, je ne pense pas qu'il est neccessaire de revenir à un système proche de la V1. A mon sens, il vaut mieux se rapprocher d'un système comme Rising, ou les actions individuelles de chaque joueur étaient plus importantes (dans le sens ou il y a beaucoup plus de liberté d'action).
La V2 actuellement c'est que du macro-management, c'est à dire l'exact opposé. Il se peut que j'écrive un article pour exprimer mon point de vue plus tard.

Merci beaucoup d'avoir lu cet article! Pensez à laisser des commentaires, et voter si vous l'avez trouvé interessant.