{eIre} Welsh Independance

Day 3,503, 23:55 Published in Ireland Ireland by University of Ireland
This article is meant to be a light hearten look at recent events, so dont take it too seriously

Greetings from the battle front Ireland,

It has been another 24hrs and another victory to our brave soldiers and allies fighting on the front line. This battle took place in Wales, which has been yearning for independence for longer then one could remember. As always our star reporter, John Simpson was embedded with the front line troops and has managed to deliver this report.

John Simpson, on the streets heading into Cardiff


The calls from Wales have been answered. For many years, the Welsh have wanted to break free from the chains of the UK, which held them back. But today with the help of Ireland and her allies, Wales was finally liberated and will soon become an independent state, free to do as they please. As with Belfast, the majority of the damage was done by the Irish battalions, however, they were joined by many different allies. On the other side of the battle, the UK troops started to show a bit more interest as a few more then normal came out.

A great showing of force from Irish tanks like Nerusia, Sentinial Prime and Lady Silver

A the Irish advance started with a naval bombardment of coastal positions as the forces made their way to storm the British mainland. This was so terrifying for some British troops, they abandoned their APC's and left them to role into near by houses.

An armound personal carrier left to roll down a hill after it's crew ran away

Once the liberating army took positions in Cardiff, the local Welsh population celebrated by watching a military parade in the Millennium Stadium, were tens of thousands of Welsh people, waved the Irish flag in delight.
Two young lads join to show the union between Wales and Ireland

While the freed people, took the time to celebrate their liberation, a few of the Irish Soldiers took the time to relax under the sunny skies, while they waited further orders.

A Lena posing in front of her armored vehicle

Machiavelli and Fenoglioteam inspecting a down British helicopter

Where to next for Ireland?

Well Ireland yet again has two places it can attack, both with their own up's and down's to them. However this time around it is slightly different due to neighbouring countries current operations.

London or Scotland

The choices have now grown to 3 different locations the Irish military may move. Like always, they all have their pro's and con's to it. Ireland could head back up North to Scotland, or strike deeper into Englands heart. While we have heard things about strategic planning, as well as battle plans that wont hurt the civilians still stuck in the UK, no is 100% sure where Rusty D might order his troops to go.

Option A: Scotland.
Repeat from yesterday

Option A this time for Ireland would be to press the attack Northeast and lay claim to Scotland. Economically, this will not be a big boost for Ireland as it only has Aluminum, however it also holds 40 residence's and a large amount of factories (over 560 British owned factories), which would put economical and political pressure onto the current eUK CP. However in doing so, it will also increase the drive to hold onto that region.

Strategically speaking Scotland borders Canada, Finland and Denmark, of which non of them have a natural enemy, making it easier for them to join the battle against eIreland, especially Canada who has a close relationship with the UK.

Would it be worth it for a nice fine Scotch Whisky? as we all know the Irish CP is fond of a drink or two...

Option B: North West England

North West England lies open to the Irish forces, with it main capital of Manchester, home of two extremely bad football teams, sitting there waiting to be taken over. If the military heads in this direction, they will find a region with no hostile borders, but a little bit of Iron and the home of 150 UK companies.

Option C: West Midlands

West Midlands is like the other targets in front of Ireland. The region holds approx 114 UK companies and no Land borders with other nations or resources. Making this target the most likely one if the Irish do not want to put any undue pressure onto the civilians caught up in the war.

Your government team.