[DMoFA] The chasm - eIndia and ePakistan

Day 1,429, 04:37 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Annihilator10
Foreword : A message from NagaPrathyush, eIndian Ambassador to ePakistan.

Well, I have been on ePakistan's IRC channel for a while now(Yes Cookie, you were right! I was spying! 😃) and it has been a great opportunity filled with pleasure to get to know you all friends. You are quite a friendly and active bunch, I have to accept! 😁

Our country cabinet for this month is as follows, feel free to contact me or Sir Valaro Volcrum if you have anything to say.

Country President : Prabal

Minister Of defence : Bharathi Mohan

Minister of Foreign Affairs : Sir Valaro Volcrum

Minister of Finance : Sharry

Minister of Internal Affairs : Suvajit

Head of Retention Team : HemanathanKumar

Ministers of Media & Culture : Maniu and DonMogul

So, where do we stand ? (In RL and eL)

The false wings of hope endlessly soar in the sky, undirected in their attitude, gliding in unwillingness and yet aiming for the the eternal sunsets of peace; unrest prevails as both parties blame each other. The tyre fetish dog was unleashed in the traffic by it's master so he could sit back and watch the fun while vehicles ran over it; the owner must have certainly enjoyed it(no sarcasm intended, such were his intentions!). We the ignorant men as pawns in the hands of a few, fight under the sun until the day ends and wait for the next until the night ends. It will go on and on, the circadian rhythm will, so long until the world ends for us. Instead of swimming downstream with the river that as we all know will soon dump us into the abyss, I am asking you to stop and think for a moment; Is it worth it ?

Our lives are so small, let's enjoy them to the extent possible! Shall we ?

Before we even realize and acknowledge the foolish mistakes we have committed, the sands of time will set us adrift into the other world leaving us no chance to right our wrongs.

Our lives are so small, let's enjoy them to the extent possible making new friends and having some fun while we are at it. So here we go, I present you citizens of ePakistan, a chance to participate along side us in eIPL(if any interested) and eF1 competitions(no, we are not gonna drive any cars! Just the team management! 😁 to be held in future. Currently both IPL and F1 seasons are in progress, once they get over and a new season begins, I will personally ensure that Pakistani's get to have a good share of fun as well by getting relevant articles published in ePakistani media. I have talked to Mr.Umer regarding the same and he seemed to be more than interested, but I would like to check the pulse of the common man as well.

For more info on IPL and F1, please go throught the links below :

IPL : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/sports-entertainment-and-eipl-1862743/1/20
F1 : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/donmogul-039-s-competitions-begin-again--1862141/1/20

I also propose unofficial/informal trivia competitions between India and Pakistan to be held weekly. Me and KualKerr already had a go at it several times and the result has been a tie so far. We will have to wait and see who(India or Pakistan ?) will break the stalemate when and how! 😃

Well, we cannot certainly rewrite the history but I somehow still believe there is minute hope left for the future relations of both nations (in erep atleast ?); Let us through friendship fill this unbridgeable chasm that divides both the nations. I have other plans as well, like...click the below picture!

Just click the above pic, I say!
Now, try to imagine aovelhanegra performing the same...do not worry, we will teach him that!

In the picture above, I am extending my hand of friendship on behalf of eIndia. Hope, it won't be declined! 😁

PS : First of all, very sorry for the delay caused in publishing this article; RL attachments, some publishing that needed to be done(bringing back the dead media to life for FREE Forfeit Points), preset deadlines that needed to be met(Party President Elections etc), RT and other responsibilities left me absolutely no scope to bargain for more time. It's times like these that make me wish I had 48 hours a day so I can have 24 hrs for RL and eL each and anyways just to be clear, it's the chronology of events that delayed this article but not any priorities assigned. Hope you understand...

Thank you very much for reading!