[Cyplus] Quizz + Writers reward

Day 3,578, 05:51 Published in Cyprus Argentina by BunnyQueen

Ciao tutties o/

.: Press :.

Cyprus press is kind of dead.
It's true that there is not many material
nor for trolling
nor for serious business
and you've already fap too much to post giggling boobs.

I'll establish a system of reward -- which is not new (cf. Mr Goldy in UK, some support programs in the US, Rauf endorsement in Cyprus,...).

So that I'll give 1'000cc to any interesting article publish in Cyprus or by a Cypriot citizen abroad.

There are only 3 rules, to ensure quality and respect tradition:
- article must be interesting (to my POV (nazi detected))
- article should contain at least one cute cat picture
- article should contain at lest one sexy man or woman picture

If I forget to read an article, please send me the link in PM. 🙁

.: Quizz :.

How much do you know Cyprus ??

- Theology -

A: Cyprus has currently no more prophet 🙁 ; several ppl have occupied this position ; which one lasted the longest time as religious leader ?
1/ Defactor
2/ Jochhi
3/ Pampuan Reyiz
4/ Georgelakeland
5/ cCc imelih messi cCc

B: eHistory tells us that iNCi created the state of Cyprus, but following our religious beliefs, from which country came Hiedla, the first representation of Cypriots God ?
1/ Mongolistan
2/ Ottoman Empire
3/ Kosovo
4/ Former Yunanistan Republic Of Turkey
5/ Kurdistan

- Anatomy -

C: If Turkish and Jews have to remove foreskin to prove their identity to passport control, traditional Greek ppl have to get a piercing to share their legendary gayness worldwide. Where is located Rauf Raif Denktas piercing (multiple answers allowed):
1/ his supraorbital ridge
2/ his left ear
3/ his right tit
4/ his peepee
5/ his anus

D : Hair is not only a natural lunch stock for Cypriot male, it's also a sign of great reproduction with our enemies. Which general is famous to have the hairiest chest of Cyprus, and won the hairy chest contest made some years ago:
1/ RE-M-Pellos
2/ Mithrantir
3/ Pipo Lolo
4/ Maya_The_Bee
5/ Makis Kouklentes

NB: Kurd kids have been disqualified from this contest as it seems that their eyebrow covered their chest...

- People -

E: Mithrantir joined back is mother country some times ago ; what could be is motto :

1/ My Money My Rules
2/ My Island My rules
3/ Always there for my Friends
4/ Always there for Anan
5/ Always there for Baban

F: Cyprus and Hungary didn't meet each other in the game before getting neighbors. Just like a girl next door, they used to get to know each other, sometimes harshly. What was the usual war cry meaning Cypriots wanted to reproduce with their partner:
1/ Zaaaaaaa
3/ Alaloum Bloum Bloum
4/ Shakalaka
5/ Oyhssssss

- History -

E: Our Asian roots influenced a lot our decision. Which portrait is displayed in all official places of Cyprus
1/ Cenghis Khan (as we're all his lost seeds)
2/ Kim Jong Un (as North Korea is dah best Korea)
3/ Marcelbok (for his down syndrome)
4/ Recep Tayyip Erdogan (same as Marcelbok)
5/ Glove is Love (for his tiny peepee)

F: Cyprus was once a Great Empire, and it still is in our heart. What was the last title, we officially gained on the battlefiel😛
1/ Shah of Iran
2/ Tsar of Russia
3/ Archduke of Austria and Ruler of the Roman Empire
4/ Agha of Kurdistan
5/ South Carolina TOer

Thanks for reading