[CP Election] The Cabinet so Far and Final thoughts

Day 2,206, 20:56 Published in Canada Canada by Exalted Druid

Senior Adviser: Addy Lawrence. Addy is my long-time friend and sometimes adversary. He will be trusted to keep the ship headed in the right direction. With 5 CP medals in his case his experience in the big chair will make up for my own lacking.

Vise President: DMV3. This sometimes controversial figure gets things done. I had an amazing fun time in his cabinet and I hope we can recapture some of that feeling. I trust him completely.

Minister of Defence: Klop. Was a great CP, great MoD and an even a greater person. He knows the position.

Minister of Finance: Smoke: No position requires continuity like this one. He knows what is going on already and he knows the job. I know he is busy with real life but he has agreed to stay on for us.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Shoi. For a Foolish Rookie Shoi has taught me a lot about this game through his articles. Over the years I have PM’d him with questions on alliances and maps and he always knows the answer and more.

Minister of French Integration: Alexandrin. I started talking to Alexandrin in his role as President as Parti Francophone Canadien party . He came up with a few suggestions as to what our French speaking community would like to see.

He will be heading up our “Department of French translation" with the support Thomas Roberge and Joshur

The department would also like to see the Government Charter of eCanada as well as the Congressional Rules of Order translated so that they will forever be available to be read in both languages, further integrating French into our country.

With these good people’s help we will also endeavor to make Minister of Defence and CP articles in both languages.

This is completely the Parti Francophone Canadien initiative so if someone else wins be sure to contact these guys and see if we can get this to work. We use to have a large French community in eCanada maybe we can again.

I have a few other people to contact for positions and also waiting to hear back from a few. I never felt comfortable being approached to join a cabinet when I was publicly supporting another candidate so I choose not to do that. I will approach people after the election if it comes to pass I need to.

I would like to thank my own party, the CPF for their support along with The Seeds in Snow party and the Canadian Prosperity Party. Thank you for your kind consideration.

Final thoughts: My team includes some of the best CP’s of recent times so I believe together we will be very competent. We have already begun the work of identifying our Atlantis but we won’t do anything without the broad support of the community. I would rather be accused of doing nothing then everyone knowing I did something stupid.

Respectfully yours

Exalted Druid
CP Candidate.