[Boh] Congressional Report 2

Day 1,868, 19:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Hi all

As promised, here is my next report on Congress holding myself accountable to you all.

Republic of Macedonia: This MPP I feel is quite important to us both, given our long standing history when we were the country who backed them before they became their own enation. We have long stood by them, it would be a shame not to continue to do so. The vote ended 37-1

Brazil MPP: I have supported this MPP since its early days, and I am glad to see it passed a second time. The work done by our last President, Talon, was great in getting us this alliance with an old friend, turned enemy, turned friend again. Plus their D1 and D2 damage is welcome. This was passed 39-1

Income Tax Change: This was proposed by Sir Nick Griffen, and aimed to lower our income tax to 3% from the whopping 5% it already was. I voted against this measure as I believe that we need the extra cash, especially as we have spent a fair amount on the recent wars we have participated in. We cannot, and should not, waste our reserves especially when they are the only main income giver once we start lowering taxes. This passed 21-17

There are three laws still pending, I will report on them in my next report which will be in the next day or so.

Now, I promised a report on the inner workings of Congress. As you can see, turn out for Congress has been rather high this month so far, though we have yet to reach our full complement of votes. I believe that parties have been more encouraging of members to get involved, though, sadly, the debate has been lacking.

Onto the current submissions/voting for external ideas for congress. This is, in my opinon, not working as well as it could. For several reasons, actually, namely being that it is damned confusing as well as awkward. In order to view these forms, you have to open a Gdoc (not hard, I admit) but to find where it is again is difficult. Then you have to review them with little to no discussion, none opened by the submitter or the MoLA when it refers to govt. When one looks at the main alternative place to discuss, the forums, we see that it is much clearer and easier, and discussion actually follows.

As for the voting system...well, I will tell you what it is when I find out. I still do not know, nor can I see who voted for what.

I hope you enjoy this read and I will continue to provide reports for your pleasure.
