[Amaterasu Unit] A new star is born!!

Day 1,632, 05:11 Published in Chile Chile by EduRaptor

Hello dear friends

It's been a long time since I've planned on creating this unit, unit that will be special in so many ways. An international unit of those people dedicated to the things with true value of this game: friendship, and fighting together for our fatherlands and alliance, opossed to fighting for personal goals and improving our accounts. Because in the end, that's all that matters, being a force that gives a decisive push in an important battle fells a hell lot better than being a Battle Hero in an unimportant fight. Knowing that you can get unconditional help of 20 true friends with a simple shout feels a lot better than having 100 gold on your account. Trust me, I say it from personal experience.

- Name meaning -

Why Amaterasu, and what is amaterasu? Amaterasu is a god of anicent Japan. She is the goddess of the sun, but also of the universe. The name Amaterasu derived from Amateru meaning "shining in heaven." The meaning of her whole name, Amaterasu-ōmikami, is "the great august kami (god) who shines in the heaven".

In popular anime, amaterasu is strongest fire technique. The jet-black flames of the Amaterasu, said to be the fires from hell that are as hot as the sun, ignite at the focus of the user's vision. Amaterasu is said to never stop burning; even when whatever is caught by the Amaterasu is completely reduced to ash or destroyed, it can still continue burning for seven days and seven nights.

» I have chosen this name for few reasons. First is that amaterasu is a considered an unbeatable power, and the flames of amaterasu are considered impossible to be extinguished. Just like the power and unity and power of our unit. Second is that Itachi, the user of the amaterasu technique is a person who sacrificed himself, his life and his honour, just to protect his little brother. Just as we will sacrifice everything for our alliance and our fatherlands.

- The strength of Amaterasu -

My focus isnt on gathering supertanks who will spend all the time chasing medals. Instead of that, unit is intended to focus on players between 7 and 11k of strength points, which will make them the perfect balance between strength and flexibility to fight where is needed. For the moment, we wont accept weaker players, but there is a possibility of creating academy unit where we could help the yougsters.

- Requirements -

» Strength - 6500 +
» Rank - National Force* +
» Loyalty - You are expected to stay with your teammates in good or bad. Even if we come to a bad financial condition, or if our countries are under the threat of being deleted, we are there to stay in the hardest times.
» Friendship - You are expected to help other members if you are able to. Never mind if its by financial help, an advice, or anything. Ofcourse, no one will take advantage of you, but good we must have a friendly atmosphere.
» Work - Unit isnt my private property, its under ownership of all its members. So from each member its expected to work for the benefit of our colective

- If you aren't ready to give up fighting in unimportant battles which arent priority of anyone, if you plan to chase BH medals on unimportant places, and disobey orders, than this isnt the right place for you. We will work towards financial independence, so we can pick the truly important battlefields, and fight where its most needed, and when its most needed. Once you enter Amaterasu, you arent mercenary anymore - you become a soldier. If all of this sounds fine by you, than continue reading.

Amaterasu is intended to be a true international unit, made of ONE and Pro - ONE countrymen. Here is the list of countries that can be include😛

If after all this you feel like this is the place for you, please fill out this
Based on the number of potential members, we will see how to further develop this project. The ones who apply will be informed about their application during next 24 hours since they have applyed.

Last but not the least, here is the example version of avatar, the right part of the picture is free for members to change, and put their custom image. And by the way as you might notice, this article is published in Chile, so not many people might see it the regular way, so i kinda need help of you guys on this. I would ask all my friends and supporters of the idea to help me by shouting this article.
Amaterasu Unit - New star is born - http://bit.ly/JdjKLm
Amaterasu - Nova jedinica - http://bit.ly/JdjKLm
Yours truly

Akasuna Itachi