Извештај о пословању МЗС Хлеб

Day 758, 01:12 Published in Serbia Serbia by MZS HLEB

У периоду од 06.12. до 12.12.2009. МЗС Хлеб је помогао следећим играчима:

Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Dz1T.
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Ognjen Ilic
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Za'eban lik
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Rage90.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Shomy1992
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Vamo Tamo.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Lazar Cakovan
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to bntani
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Shomy1992
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Rage90
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Pavle92
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Jovan Milakovic
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to gos'n nelle
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Black Keeper
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Olosh Bre
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Zoka22
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Stefi.4C.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to pedja vucinic.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Shomy92
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Ceca R
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Andjelkovic Dusan
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Navoj
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Drazen15
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Nikola Grujic
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Don Pavlovic
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Zdravko016
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Branko Zivkovic1
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Anaksagora
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Danilo Janjusevic
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to iwanwg
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to ljubans87
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to MenBearPig
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to grale_boss
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Dz1T
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Pavle92
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to derv
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Gondvana
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Glushac-srb
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to vladza37
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Shomy92
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to deja2391
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to ePadina
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Vympel
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to iwan blagojewic
Successfuly transfered 2 item(s) to srbbii
Successfuly transfered 4 item(s) to Nebojsa cyber
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to vojin_ks
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to kumpn
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Zoki_4
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Raptore
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to nemanja92le
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to jhonny hun
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to zarko013
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Vamo Tamo
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Boban79
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Nacionalista1
Successfuly transfered 3 item(s) to Kattarinaa
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to djeneraldraza.
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to MarkoMaxi
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Danilo Vukoje
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Lazar Jovanovic zvani ZOLA
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to Todorovic Stefan
Successfuly transfered 5 item(s) to kalaisani

Укупно је подељено 296 Q1 хране

Рад министарства су својим донацијама помогли следећи грађани:

Dejan Grujic has transfered 2 products to your inventory
drcika has transfered 5 products to your inventory
pajce has transfered 1 products to your inventory
Maylo92 has transfered 7 products to your inventory
Tashunica has transfered 6 products to your inventory.
Serbian Poker has transfered 8 products to your inventory.
Gurtang has transfered 8 products to your inventory
Serbian Poker has transfered 10 products to your inventory
Lesandro has transfered 2 products to your inventory
Lesandro has transfered 1 products to your inventory
Serbian Poker has transfered 8 products to your inventory
nanuk has transfered 5 products to your inventory.
Bokee88 has transfered 6 products to your inventory
kevacar has transfered 8 products to your inventory
MojaMama has transfered 12 products to your inventory.
Serbian Poker has transfered 9 products to your inventory
DAS Holding has transfered 2 products/raw materials to your inventory
GD73 has transfered 5 products to your inventory
executor1389 has transfered 2 products to your inventory
Aca Stus has transfered 2 products to your inventory
Huddle has transfered 4 products to your inventory
Serbian Poker has transfered 9 products to your inventory
Serbian Poker has transfered 8 products to your inventory
Serbian Poker has transfered 8 products to your inventory.
Ministarstvo Zdravlja Srbije has transfered 8 products/raw materials to your inventory
jakso has transfered 3 products to your inventory.
Jankovic Mladen has transfered 7 products to your inventory
Baki2009 has transfered 3 products to your inventory. Check your donations list.

Gurtang has transfered 1 GOLD to your account
filip srbija has transfered 0.02 GOLD to your account
filip srbija has transfered 1 RUB to your account
filip srbija has transfered 5 RSD to your account
filip srbija has transfered 0.7 BAM to your account
filip srbija has transfered 0.4 ITL to your account
filip srbija has transfered 0.5 UAH to your account

Овом приликом желимо да им се захвалимо још једном.

У име МЗС Хлеб
Кукурек,Наташа Пијовић, зверко и Немања Веселиновић