'Reborn from the ashes' for CP!

Day 2,266, 07:58 Published in India Hungary by reborn from the ashes

'Reborn from the ashes' for CP!

Hey my fellow eIndians folks, I'm Contesting CP elections so I'm here in-front of you asking for your valuable votes.

In my personal opinion in eIndia we are revolving around few people to deliver goods, in last few months I have seen absolute silence it saddens me- "itna sannata kyu hai bhai". Leave baby boom, in retention of players we have scored a big zero. If this story continuous we will be left with few people in eIndia

Yuuva is the only party in eIndia who really cares about youngsters, we lay the foundation for you and on which you can build on! We give you hope and make you understand game! , this games is not only about fight it is about both politics and war both are inseparable.

In my view, Hamturk is a the greatest eIndian, he has done so much to eIndia. Even thousand times of me is not equal to one Hamturk in war. But I seriously believe he is running out of ideas in the area of politics. One man army doesn't works int this format big bro!

So Vote me up! make me win yay!

What will I do eIndia?
1. Give a chance to young ones to establish themselves in the area of politics and administration
2. We are nobody in the eworld thanks to FA, from past few months we have not seen any improvements. Will help to establish new relations
3. Media activity is big zero, not sure whether it is their attitude or let others have it, kind of attitude. Few people in are so inactive in media. So will make improvement in the field, Will communicate the updates in a timely manner.
4. A deal or no deal with XYZ country will we decided by polling system

All the decisions will be taken by you in a pure democratic way, me not a dictator!

Win Or Loss, I want my voice to be heard! and each one of you new players I want you to stand up for yourselves. This is a game no matter you are a D1 tank or D4 tank, each one of you counts. CP or few people don't make up a country it is each one of you adds up and make up a whole country. Believe in you and people will follow you. If you loose hope/faith even Gods will turn their backs on you!

Kushal, Vishroid and real Steel 3 - you guys are the future, make yourself available for the forthcoming Govt. Make yourself to be heard make your way up, you all have the potential! Just be yourself!

Any suggestions feedback are highly appreciated

Jai Hind!
Hail eIndia!

andy_sush aka reborn from the ashes