WhydoIbother Checking Feeds

Day 4,066, 19:50 Published in USA USA by WhydoIbotherToo

Hello eMurica! Lately there has been some discussion in the media about how it is difficult to find Orders for where we want or need you to fight. The Executive and Defense Teams have done a tremendous job over the last few months constantly posting information in the National Feed, Discord, in game PMs, and occasionally in news articles. Carlos and his team have been one of the most active in delivering orders in years. I am here to give you a few pointers on how to find orders and why it is important that you do your part and follow along when you can.

The most reliable place in game to get orders is on the National Feed. This feed allows for very fast relaying of orders to you, the American Fighter. You can find the National Feed by following these simple directions:
Click on the little American Flag Icon in your feeds
You will see informational posts from your CP, MoD, MoF, Minister of Education, Governor and Congressmen.
I highly recommend that you check this feed every time you log into eRep to ensure you are up to date.

If you are using the Mobile App then you can click this icon (thank you my eIrish friend, I really didn’t want to have to install the app):

Another great resource that you can use to keep up to date is your MU Feed. The top MUs in the eUS set Daily Orders based on information provided to them via Discord, in game PM, or the National Feed. Not only are you helping out the eUS, you also help yourself by completing your daily order, and you benefit your MU in the weekly rankings. In case you are newer to the game, you can find your MU Feed by clicking on the MU tab in your feed list:

If you are feeling adventurous, or you just want to get the most up to date information possible, then you should join the eUS Discord Server. You can find it by clicking on this link: If you have a Discord account, great. If you do not, i recommend setting your username to match your eRep name. It will make it easier for fellow Discord users to identify you.
Once you have joined the eUS Server, tell them you were sent their from this article, that you are an eUS citizen, and please post a link to YOUR eRep profile so that it can be verified that you are indeed a citizen and someone will mark your Discord account with the proper American role which will give you access to see orders and other information posted by the Government.
Discord is by far the best source of up to date information that is available. It allows for our MoD or CP to give you battle orders on the fly, in real time.

Discord is also great because you can hang out and get to know your fellow citizens. Most Political Parties and many MUs have their own Discord Servers that you can join. The Welcome channel on the eUS Discord Server has a list of the majority of them as well as links to Discord Servers for many other eRep Country Servers. Honestly, this game is all about the Community and Discord is a great resource to get involved, get to know people, ask questions and get them answered quickly. It is a wonderful tool that augments the game quite nicely.

Don’t worry, the fine folks in the Department of Education have written a very simple to follow tutorial that covers the basics of using Discord. That article can be found here:
I hope these few paragraphs can help you better navigate how to find the most up to date information available from your friendly eUS Administration and can help you become a more efficient and effective fighter for the eUS.

If you are a newer player and have questions, please feel free to send me in game messages or find me on Discord and shoot me a message. I am happy to help answer any questions you may have.