The Die is Cast Q3 Air giveaway

Day 5,126, 04:40 Published in Canada Canada by Wilhem Klink

Tired of lackluster Plato giveaways? Dragging your icon all over the eWorld trying to gather worthless "coins"? Spin that wheel and get more small bombs? Whatever that Day 5000 thing was supposed to be?

Shouldn't a give-away be fun? Or if not fun, at least not hopelessly rigged?

We (and by "we" I mean "me", its the Royal We) have got a game for you: The Die is Cast

How it works: rolls 3 dice
You chose a total of those dice
You chose what each die's value is

So someone picks 13 as the throw total value and 6 as the value of the first die, 3 as the value of the second die, and 4 as the value of the third die.

Winners are whoever picks the right total. Ties are decided by the total of the first die. If there are still ties, then the value of the second die. Repeat with the third die if there's still a tie.

Three dice combos are exclusive. The first person to pick 13:6-3-4 is the one that owns 6-3-4. You can pick 13:6-4-3 or 13:3-5-5, but NOT the same 3 die combo as someone else.

First prize 28 Q3 air weapons
Second prize 12 Q3 air weapons
Third prize: you're fired
Bonus: 5 Q3 air to the person I deem to be farthest away from being right.

My decisions are final. Final, dammit!
"Why Q3 air?", you may ask. I'm not answering that. Anyone who asks spends a night in the box.
Game is open to eCandians only. Other nationalities enter, they spend a night in the box.
One per person. Enter more than once, spend a night in the box.
Dice roll happens Day 5130 at 05:00 eRep time.