The Case for ONE

Day 1,459, 13:51 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

ONE has been the enemy to Canadians from before I joined this game in February. ONE has been the Others, the Varelse, the strangers whose actions are immediately and automatically hostile. Within a war that has lasted months, the people of ONE have been demonized as our enemies while we laud the actions of our virtuous allies in TERRA/EDEN.

We take this simplistic view because it is the most comforting, not because it is the most correct. We distill complex series of events and actions down to black and white because it is quicker to digest and easier to maintain. And that’s fair, in the sense that constant parsing and debate in wartime can detract and confuse our efforts and sabotage our effectiveness to our allies.

But let us now be perfectly clear: Whatever the state of war that had existed between TERRA/EDEN and ONE is over. It is over because the alliance called TERRA/EDEN is over, and to continue within its façade would be to invite annihilation for no other reason but pride.

We have seen what pride has done to a nation. Romania, that militaristic Empire building subjugator of most of Asia has fallen after receiving as much help as her allies could give her. We did our part for Romania, practically stationing the CAF there for months in an effort to prove our worth. Our reward is petulance and narcissistic whining about how erepublik is unfair. When the going got tough, Romania “pressed the giant retreat button” and has now left us holding the bag.

We owe them nothing.

The United States realizes that the end of TERRA/EDEN has drawn nigh, and is considering a withdrawal as I type. To quote President Scrabman in full:

“The TERRA/EDEN alliance is crumbling now that Romania has decided to stop playing the game on the world level. Today I formally announced that the eUSA is considering departing from the TERRA/EDEN alliance and it is my intention to take the eUSA to neutral status so that we can be rid of all of the cumbersome rules of the TERRA/EDEN Treaty that require us have to be neutral in the Sweden - Germany conflict among other things.”

Why belong to a completely antagonistic and belligerent alliance when the main antagonist and belligerent to ONE has surrendered? It is a question we are wise to consider. But the more important question after we come to the fairly obvious answer to leave will be, “where do we go from here?”

The answer to that, I put to you, is that we join ONE.

As it stands now, without the power of TERRA/EDEN to back Canada up, we are left with an uncomfortable war with France that could easily bring upon a full assault by ONE for our diamond and other high natural resource areas. Joining ONE would end that war and secure our borders.
As it stands now, the United States and Canada hold a special relationship with a permanent non aggression pact, our joining ONE would do nothing to provoke a soon to be neutral America.

As it stands now, our weapon industries have one remaining iron region in Spain to fuel the domestic supply. Joining ONE would open up Canadian businesses to an extensive amount of natural resources we lack and inexpensive goods to purchase for supply.

As it stands now, TERRA/EDEN has proven to be a clumsy alliance run by an unreliable partner in Romania. Joining ONE would open up the CAF and Canadians to a competent and reliable military partnership that has obviously proven itself in battle and resolve.

As it stands now, we have been a target for takeover, which though a valid military tactic, undermines our democratic way of life. Joining ONE would end these take over attempts and allow our democracy to work unimpeded.

There are those who will say we should be neutral:

To them I say that neutrality is a death sentence with an active war against ONE and our reliable allies proving to be anything but.

There are those who will say that we should create a new TERRA/EDEN:

To them I say that if TERRA/EDEN was ineffective with Romania, how could it be any more effective without?

There are those who will say that ONE is full of cheaters.

To them I ask where there indignation was when the baby farms on the Romanian side of Siberia were discovered to have artificially raised their wall. Where was their sense of righteousness when Romania cheated with Spanish gold?

There are those who say that we will be labeled turncoats and traitors

To them I say that Romania has betrayed us by surrendering, and with the United States intention to withdraw, there is not much left for us to turn our coats to.

And there are those who say that we cannot trust ONE to protect us.

To them I say that the events of erepublik have shown we can only trust ourselves.

It is clear to me that a compelling case can be made economically, militarily, and politically that the time is right to join ONE before events force us to make an existential decision. Let’s simply take off our blinders, put down our well worn prejudices and think logically and rationally about the choices that our friends in Romania have now put before us.

The future of Canada may very well rest on how we handle this situation….let us handle it well.