Sherwood Foresters

Day 1,931, 00:00 Published in USA United Kingdom by wingfield

The Sherwood Foresters MU


We take our name from one of the great regiments in British military history. Evoking the mythology of the Robin Hood legends, the Nottingham and Derbyshire Regiment was formed in 1881 by the merger of two former regiments – the 45th (Nottinghamshire - 1741) and 95th (Derbyshire - 1823).

In 1970 the Regiment was joined by the Worcester Regiment (the old 29th and 36th Regiments). In 2004, the Foresters and the Worcester Regiment have been incorporated as the 2nd Battalion of the Mercian Regiment.
The regiment and its predecessors have seen action in Gibraltar, the capture of Quebec (1759), Canada, the American War of Independence, the Peninsular Campaign (1808-1814), the Crimea, Egypt (1882), the Boer War, the First World War, Dublin (1916), the Second World War, Northern Ireland and Afghanistan.

Fourteen Victoria Crosses have been awarded to the Foresters, 11 of which are on display in the museum at Nottingham Castle, and a further ten to members from other merged regiments.

Unit alignment

As an American military unit in eRepublik, our primary loyalty is to the eUSA.

Battle priority

General first priority for our orders will be to fight as directed by the eUS government, so long as no external political takeover has succeeded. Battle orders priority will be to fight for the eUS first, then for American allies. Similarly, priority will be given to fighting against American enemies.

Members are free to pursue mercenary medals provided that unit orders are followed first.

Association of Independent Militias (AIM)

The Sherwood Foresters is one of the founder units of this association, which operates independently of the eUS government. When an AIM operation is in progress, the operation will take precedence over any eUS government orders.

MU members are requested to register with Pulse:


There will be no requirement to work for specific employers or communes and no commune is planned at this stage. However, this will always be subject to review, based on prevailing economic factors. Communes will only ever be managed by the Commander and Second Commanders of the unit.

Approved political activity

Members will be free to engage in loyal and legitimate political activity. We also have our own party, Valhalla, dedicated to supporting military unit people.

Prohibited activity

Seven days of inactivity without the leave of the member’s regiment Captain, notified to the unit Commander, or granted by the unit Commander, may also result in removal from the unit.

Finally, winning a battle hero or campaign hero medal against the eUS may also result in the member’s removal.

Other approved activities

The unit may also be involved in political or military activity in or on behalf of the eUS, including situations where foreign citizenship may be required. On the completion of such missions, every effort will be made to facilitate a member’s resumption of eUS citizenship.

Note that this sort of activity is not under consideration at the present time.


There will be no roll call requirements but the activity of members and the unit as a whole will be closely monitored. This is in the interests of unit members, who are entitled to proper leadership from the commanders and captains.

All members should check the unit shout feeds at least daily, if not more often. The Commander will use the shouts for general information, emergency directions and encouragement.

To join:

Avatar stripe (reduce to size):

[Note, the initial comments below relate to an earlier article. I have removed the text to enable this link to be used for the reference of unit members and potential recruits.]