Re-Elect Trenton Rendell For Ontario (RP)

Day 431, 14:45 Published in Canada Canada by Trenton Rendell

Re-elect Trenton Rendell for Ontario

My fellow Canucks.

In the course of one month we've seen many things change. We've seen defeats on the shores of France We've seen the food market swing up and down, We've seen the formation of two parties one new one old. We've seen a President come and go, And we said hello to a new one. Many citizens are scared and unsure about their country they call home, But its always darkest before the dawn, I've been hearing things lately People are losing faith in Congress, but let me assure you this congress works we are getting things done. we finally have a congress that's able to work together and build a brighter and stronger Canada. So I ask you this. Do you want to keep this congress the very congress that's getting things done. Or risk it with a bunch of new people?
Many other congressmen are up for re-election. I ask you to please vote for those people if their running in your province and I ask the people of Ontario to re-elect me

-Im an avid player.
-Im honest and hard working
-I know what the people want and I will not be afraid to let my voice be heard in congress
-I care

I stand by what i said last election I will be a congressmen for the people BY the people.
And together we can build Canada to bigger and greater heights.


Congressmen Trenton Rendell