PP election JUNE

Day 2,029, 14:51 Published in USA USA by LordOther

To me the Socialist Freedom Party is responsible for leading the working class in a great revolution. The PP election is upon us and I am asking for your vote.

My Platform:

1. I am going to try to raise awareness of the Socialist Freedom Party.

2. I am going to try to increase the total number of members in the Socialist Freedom Party. Now I believe that we need to focus on mobilizing the eCitizens who blindly join the top 5 parties because they are told they are fun but never let them be active and grow much in those parties. We offer a chance for the peoples voice to be heard. And only through recruitment can we enlighten individuals old and new.

3. I am going to try to increase our footprint in national politics and the national media. That means we must continue to produce party propaganda and promoting the socialist ideology and to do that we must increase the output of articles by our members.

4.I am going to try to increase the chances for new players to have a role in the Socialist Freedom Party's leadership position's.

5. I am going to try to even though it may be very very unlikely to try to get a Socialist president into the White House.

Party Leadership
Party President: LordOther
Vice President: Currently Open
Secretary General: Currently Open
Counselor: Currently Open
Spokesman: Currently Open

If you would like a position in my Party Cabinet just message me