
Day 1,002, 08:43 Published in USA USA by Cthulhu..

1. Nom

The sound made when eating something (or someone). Can be referred to as "nomming" as a verb, ans is often pronounced int he sentence "om nom nom".

"Omg, there's someone eating my arm!"
*om nom nom*
"awwww :3"

2. nom

An expression of eating, or a sound thereof. Also could mean a sexually suggestive action upon either a male or female, one would use the lips and not so much the teeth, avoicing a chomp chomp like action

Ow, this steak is good -Nom Nom-

Man, she was Nom Noming on me last night pretty good.

3. nom

1) The act of eating
2) An act of affection
3) A sound to express satisfaction through eating
4) The first sound made in the morning when you wake up next to the person you are twitterpated by.

"nom nom nom!"

"mmmm nom nom nom 🙂"



I asked around and have not found this cost-comparison yet, so I figured what the hell, might as well get off my ass and do it myself. This is an analysis of food and happiness cost. I have broken it down into three groups. First group is concerned primarily with wellness, or fighting food. The second group is concerned with wellness and happiness, or maintenance food. I would think most fighters would be concerned with the first group and citizens with the second. Added Happiness.

Wellness only (fighting Food):

1/day - NA
2/day - .31 Ratio: .155 W/USD
3/day - .37 Ratio: .123 W/USD
4/day - .53 Ratio: .132 W/USD
5/day - .74 Ratio: .148 W/USD
6/day - .79 Ratio: .132 W/USD
7/day - .99 Ratio: .141 W/USD
8/day - NA
9/day - 2.15 Ratio: .239 W/USD
10/day - 2.31 Ratio: .231 W/USD

Analysis: Be prepared to each a lot of 3W food when fighting. Or if you do not want to clog up your inventory, 6W food will double your pleasure, with little penalty.

Wellness and Happiness (Maintenance Food):

1/day - .21 Ratio: .21 WH/USD
2/day - NA
3/day - .48 Ratio: .16 WH/USD
4/day - 1.59 Ratio: .398 WH/USD
5/day - NA
6/day - 2.00 Ratio: .333 WH/USD
7/day - 2.54 Ratio: .363 WH/USD
8/day - NA
9/day - NA
10/day - NA

Analysis: 3WH is the best value for maintenance.

Happiness (pron Food):

1/day - NA
2/day - NA
3/day - .44 Ratio: .147 H/USD
4/day - .48 Ratio: .120 H/USD
5/day - .84 Ratio: .168 H/USD
6/day - NA
7/day - 1.24 Ratio: .177 H/USD
8/day - NA
9/day - 1.34 Ratio: .149 H/USD
10/day - 2.63 Ratio: .263 H/USD

Analysis: H4 is the best value.

I could not take every permutation into account, and you can see that some food levels have minimal or no offerings. But, for those of your out there that will eat 300 wellness a day, enjoy.


PS - If you have a company that will offer products that are currently not on the market, PM, so that I can add your offer.

PPS - If you would like your company featured in the article, PM.