National MU, my thoughts

Day 3,761, 01:56 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by Rusty D

Greetings eIreland,

Recently our newly elected CP released an article declaring the creation of a National MU via executive order. This article was released even before the headless chickens had even double checked all the votes. After people raised a question about the need of a National MU or the fact that no one was even asked if anyone wanted one, CP Trito released a second article answering questions that non one raised and avoiding the ones people did raise. But let us look at those points he selectivity pointed out.

How Does the National MU relate to the Government?
First and foremost, the National MU IS the MU of the government. In other words, from here on out, the ownership of the MU is not any Commander or other, but the eIrish State. The Irish Army follows the orders of the CP, whoever that may be, and may receive state funding for supplies as well.

This statement is quite interesting on some different points. Firstly the CP declares that the National MU is the MU of the government. Yet the government is made up of Cabinet (chosen by the CP) and Congress (Chosen by the people of eIreland), but not even Congress was asked if they wanted a National MU. For a CP to force his/her views and idea's onto a populace, doesnt sound very democratic or even the claim to be a National MU with out even asking the nation.... This also goes to the point of "..ownership of the MU is not any Commander or other, but the eIrish State. The Irish Army follows the orders of the CP" so if it belongs to the eIrish State, why is it the CP is the one who dictates the orders?

A second part of this statement says "..and may receive state funding for supplies as well.", so this National MU created and forced upon the citizens of eIreland, 'might' receive money taken from the Irish taxes payers to pay for something they might not of wanted? Is this the whole reason for you attempted tax increases? but more on this later.

Is it Mandatory to join the Irish Army?
It is NOT mandatory to join the national MU, but it is highly encouraged in order for everyone to have fun, and for the eIrish state to have an organized military.

At the time of writing, the 'National MU' was ranked a lowly 5 in the damage leader boards, a whole 67 Million behind number 4 position. Yet this MU was the one chosen forced onto eIreland to be it's 'National MU' and potentially receive government funding. Wouldnt it be better to choose The Dude or another MU that actually has active fighters?

But this reason about joining talks about "eIrish state to have an organized military.", considering one of your other election promises was Daily Orders (still yet to happen), forcing people to fight in a MU of your choosing is not the greatest way of having an organised military. Maybe you should try and follow up on your idea of a DO? or even a military message thread? to help create an organised military.

Also why is there a need for 'organised military' when Ireland under Trito will become a ePeru toy in a endless TW?

For now, the MU, like many things in eIreland, is running on private donations, affording weekly supplies to any active soldier in the MU.
In the near future, I would like to plan out a budge for eIreland, committing at least 10000 CC a month (or more, depending on demand) to the MU's supplies scheme. Also, if any big producers of Q7 weapons are willing to form a commune, it would be much appreciated!

So here the current CP openly states he wants to use government money to fund his own private military (considering it is National in name only and not voted on). Between his bad maths/lack of knowledge (10k cc will currently buy about 227 Q7s, not really much of a supply), but his willingness to spend money on a private military unit, yet only last term decried how bad our nations finances were. So were is this money going to come from? reduction in expenditure elsewhere? increase in taxes?

Rules and Regulations...
One last thing, from henceforth, it should be expected of CP candidates to name someone, possibly themselves, to be the commander of the Irish Army. The previous commanders should also be expected to step down as commanders for the transition.

All I can say to this is... everyone remembers what happen the last time eIreland had a national MU. Dictators trying to stay in power.

Now if the government was serious about having a proper military co-ordination and planning, it might be worth while asking the people for their ideas. Or better yet, people with experience in fighting battles, not in being wiped by two countries and declaring embargo's on them. Not just to force them to join and fight for a poor excuse of a MU to help try and steal money from the tax payers and cement a dictator in power.

Thanking you,
Rusty D