My Not Very Political Politics

Day 4,553, 08:04 Published in USA USA by VoxHumana

I have joined the realm of EREPUBLIK politics.

Since I am not well versed on the actual political issues facing EREPUBLIKANS nor the nuance between one party's view and another's, I spent a few days asking myself what metrics I should use to choose a party.

I already had decided against the largest political party when I was being recruited more as a warm body than as a thinking citizen by that party's leading voice. I apologize to the rest of WE THE PEOPLE for being so arbitrary in my judgment, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth and I am too new not to be arbitrary anyway and you seem like you're doing just fine without me so I passed. No hard feelings I hope.

I can see that this game is built on social interaction. So the least arbitrary mechanism I could devise in my search for political affiliation would have to be something to do with that.

Social Interaction, and this alone, has led me to join the UNITED STATES WORKERS PARTY.

Here's how it happened.

From among the first friendship requests I received, a disproportionate number of them were affiliated with the UNITED STATES WORKERS PARTY. That factored strongly in my decision. I have also noticed an acceptable rate of response from their party members from friend requests I have sent.

In my first two issues of FINGER LICKING, I took some stabs at collecting advice. Shiloh13 and Animis (I'll stop linking you in my newspaper, I promise) were both shining stars in offering wisdom that was communicated with language I could quickly grasp. That scored a point for the SOCIALIST FREEDOM PARTY and another for the USWP.

Things were getting pretty clear if I wanted to make a quick decision. I did want to do that, and let me explain why before I share the final data point in my decision.

This is not my first rodeo. I understand that this game has a strong role-play aspect. So rather than join a party based on the likelihood that one party's views might possibly fall in line with my real-life political views, I determined that I would simply adopt the EREPUBLIK political views held by whatever party I chose. I'm here for fun, my FRIENDS, I'm not here to live out my real-world political fantasies.

So I wanted to choose quickly and go with it.

So what was my final determining factor in choosing fidelity to my new PARTY of UNITED STATES WORKERS?

I always love the underdog.

Sincerely yours,
Kernal Krapis