Hello Ireland!

Day 5,549, 16:57 Published in Ireland Ireland by OogieBoogie3

Good morning, eIreland! I'm grateful to have been granted citizenship in this great nation. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and I'm excited to seek new opportunities in this free and abnormally green country.

Allow me to first introduce myself.

I'm a long-time friend and colleague of chris jonadicus - we both served the Swiss Government during trying times. I'm a career diplomat and party organizer with over 20 terms served in congress between North Korea, South Korea, and most prominently the Switzerland that I have just fled. I served as Minister of Foreign Affairs over a dozen times between those 3 countries, as well as Prime Minister to Switzerland during a period of time where our sovereignty was being threatened by both foreign and domestic powers. Chris and I helped defeat a man by the name of Blackbeard00, a former Swiss President that went rogue, and attempted to use foreign agents to retake control over a country he had lost fairly, who then both figuratively and literally attempted to sink his ship by then using that foreign adversary to declare war on Switzerland - the PTO was defeated, and through a strong military victory and even stronger diplomatic effort - peace was achieved and sovereignty was restored. That was many years ago of course. Eventually Switzerland would get conquered by another foreign power and I would exile myself in Japan for over 5 years. The freed Switzerland I would return to just 7 months ago was a sad shadow of what it had used to be - an autocratic government and stale economy. It felt like a ghost town. I served a couple terms in congress and eventually decided to stand on principle and call the corruption out for what it was - a silent tyranny. I filed charges of impeachment on the sitting President for Election Fraud, resigned as Congressman, and exiled myself here to Ireland to join my old friend. Even at a glance, this is a far more free and prosperous country. I'm excited to join your ranks and help keep Ireland strong. Thank you for allowing me to seek freedom and opportunity here.