Grab A Slice of White Clam Pie

Day 4,555, 16:55 Published in USA USA by VoxHumana

I feel a little bit like I’m living a charmed life.

It’s like I’ve walked into an aging but storied local pizza parlour, ordered the White Clam Pie, consumed a slice, and was immediately tossed into the kitchen and given an apron.

What the heck am I doing in the West Wing of the White House?

Or did you even know there is a West Wing of the White House?

It’s true. And it’s on Discord, the popular chat app among gamers.

Fortunately, my first day in EREPUBLIK was not my first day in a gaming hat. I’ve navigated the halls of Discord before, always in search of diving more deeply into whatever game I was sampling, looking for an edge that would make me that much more likely to score high, kill minions, find treasure… you get the point.

If you don’t Discord, you might not game.

It all started to happen after I published my third article in EREPUBLIK, My Not Very Political Politics. I think I need to work on better titles for my articles, don’t you?

But yes, it was my third article out of the box and I was being invited offsite by prominent members of my new political party, the UNITED STATES WORKERS PARTY.

Aside: My new party is garnering some attention as the object of a campaign being run by a very interesting returning player, an obviously skilled writer named Aramec. I think I have appeared at an opportune time for excitement! Now back to my story.

No wait, one more thing. Why not join me at USWP? I can attest that it is a fun time. OK, now back to my story for reals.

Since I had long-ago cleared the mental hurdle of getting involved in games beyond games, it was no surprise to me that I was being courted to Discord. What was more pleasantly surprising, however, was the invitation to the eusaforums where all kinds of EREPUBLIK matters are afoot. Congress, for example, maintains a very public record of their proceedings. One can see them debate and vote, and even ordinary citizens can chime in, if granted permission by a moderator. It is all very democratic and impressive. I can see why this game is over 12 years old and counting!

But I am here to tell you about the #west-wing, the Discord server wherein the President Himself holds court with his Cabinet. Like I said, what the heck am I doing there?

I still don’t know. All I am is a (and yes, I have to go look this up)

Scratch that. All I am is an Assistant Secretary of Media. Hardly a thing to mention to my mom during my obligatory “Happy Mother’s Day” phone call.

But one can see that this community of gamers is extremely friendly to newcomers, eager to educate us into proficiency, and supportive of our involvement in government. I do declare, you all have yourselves a lovely game!

I haven’t had the guts to say much in there.

I admit, my sphincter was sniffed almost immediately by the aforementioned Aramec who seems to be quite a big dog in this pack. But dogs have a clever way of discerning who the alpha is, and believe me I’m nobody. So we became instant friends.

Everyone else in Government is friendly too. Personal details of life are shared, for instance I now know more about the First Dog (literally. I’m not re-referencing Aramec. I’m talking about Bubblar’s actual pup) than I know about how to establish a residence in this game.

I can honestly say that my experience has been delightful.

By now you might be wondering how much top secret stuff goes on in the #west-wing. Not much. I’m fairly certain there is a #west-wing-of-the-west-wing somewhere where all the really juicy stuff is going down. It would be way over my head anyway.

I have no designs on such spaces either. I’m here to have simple fun.

And so if you are also here to have fun, I strongly recommend that you accept this Free Ticket to EUSA DISCORD, pull up a chair, and try the White Clam Pie. Trust me, before you know it you’ll be dicing the garlic and tossing the dough.

Sincerely yours,
Kernal Krapis