Friday Picture - Day 5,169

Day 5,169, 14:58 Published in USA USA by Aurum Toldani

Today's article was late because my right hand still hurts. (I'm right handed)

Ughhhhh, I got a bacterial infection in my finger tip last year around Jan and it decided to show up in the same finger these past few days. I'd go to the doctor, but I can't afford to because I can't afford health insurance (yay America #1). Thankfully I had some mupirocin left over from last time, and it's working. My right ring finger still hurts a bit, but it's getting better. I think I may skip next Tuesday, and wait to post again until Friday depending on how this goes.

This isn't the first time I've not gone to the doctor for something potentially serious, and I doubt it'd be the last.