Events in the eWorld

Day 887, 23:30 Published in Russia Russia by VlaBarac
Hello as you can read in the title I will wrote something about events in the eWorld and about some things that will astound your. You'll find out what is happening in Serbia during every war.

I think that everybody now how this battle start.
Everything start from this battle. In the beginning this was diversion but the Russians were incredibly "destroying" wall so they win this battle.

And this battle has launched all others. And while the Russian president HankScorpio published two very funny articles (first one and secound)

Here's a picture in order to better understand the situation

The circled region is Brandenburg and Berlin. In this region is located 25% of the Polish economy.

I will continue with this but just to take a look Europe

The map looks like this

That day Serbia and Hungary attacked Croatia, Turkey attacked Greece and so on.
But of all these battles, major was battle for Rhone Alps.

While this battle was in the middle to the end in Asia start a offensive against Phoenix

First RW was started in Jilin and EDEN forces cleverly won this battle.

And than happend this

The Chinese have opened way to Liaoning ( Serbia ) and Heilongjiang ( Hungary ) regions that are high iron. So the Serbs and Hungarians had to defend their regions. This reduced performance in Rhone Alps so the wall was slowly decreasing and sometime was increasing.

Here to tell you that day what happend.
Im was all day on computer. Ok, nobody cant that but almost, almost whole day. And that was first time that i saw so many tanks that were hiting the wall ( ofc, Phoenix ) although I tought that EDEN have more and better tanks.

And the battle was end like this

And here's statistic for this battle which you can see on eRep Tools

And later battle for Brandenburg and Berlin ended with


But during this wars the biggest shame happend in Serbia where the guns were selling for 2-3 time more expensive than before the war. And just because these things I have left Serbia and went to Russia. In the Russia during wars prices of guns didnt changed or maybe may have even sold guns for less and at the end of the battle you couldn find to buy Q3 and Q4 guns.

Just somethink to say to War profiteers in Serbia


And at the end I want to thank to all Phoenix countries to an incredible victory and EDEN's countries too because they are incredibly resisted attacks.

Perhaps you sad that you lost this war, you didnt, you lost just this battle, war is continues so you never know what will happen in the future.


I have candidate in Central Black Earth and so far I have get only one vote. LoL

But that doesnt matter becouse I here get new friends

And I want to special thank to
