D14: Plans for Education Growth

Day 4,458, 05:31 Published in USA USA by Jacob Ferguson

I figured it may be a good idea to present my plans if Cthulhu is so graced with the presidency, as to what I will do as Education Secretary. It would be my goal to present all players who join the eUSA (either new, returning, naturalized or otherwise) with an article or direct message explaining the tasks they can do each day or week to better their characters and improve their station.

I will note the important tasks they should consider doing in each level bracket to keep moving up like two clicking early on, buying a house, getting a job, working overtime, working as a manager, air combat, fighting in resistance wars for freedom fighter, and eventually supporting resistance wars to get Resistance Hero badges and the gold that comes with them.

I'll also present the political system (after I've had a chance to delve into it for at least a few days) and explain all of the position opportunities, even outside of the supported set in the game, that are open to interested parties. I'll explain parties, elections, and campaigning and how the system works, with more detailed explanations as I learn.

This will all be sent in messages, either as plain text or as a link to an article in the CLA. I will honestly probably write an article with all of the important things to do in each level bracket and link them to it in direct messages, but I will do my best to ensure that new players are presented with all the material they need to be successful early on in their careers, with hopes that it makes their early experiences with Erepublik easier and helps them stick around to make our country grow and grow stronger.

Elections are drawing nearer, so if this sort of educational boost for new players sounds like a solid plan, please consider a vote for Cthulhu. He and Dinnyin have graciously tapped me as their intended Education Secretary, and I hope to make them proud. The concerns with Cthulhu's activity are sound, but his intention to make right those issues, and surround himself with active and skilled staff make him a solid choice.

As always, if you have advice or recommendations for new and returning players, please leave them in the comments below. Let me know what you think of this plan and if you think anything can be tweaked, and also, let me know if there's anything more I should mention in the intro article! The more information our citizens are armed with, the more engaged they're likely to be in my opinion, and the more our population can grow and maintain its strength.

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