CertaCito - The Old Man of the UKRP standing for Congress for the 21st time!

Day 697, 17:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Even though I have been the process of running up to the Parlimentary (or Congressional in Erepublik-speak) elections many times before, I must confess to deriving a certain buzz from doing so. If it were not for this and the satisfaction that I have derived from doing a reasonaly competent job in the House of Commons representing the electorate of Nortern Ireland then I certainly would not be here.

After being aroud in Erepublik I have to confess to have tried most things - politics, military, commerce - yet the most satisfying activity of all is just interacting and sharing knowledge with others. If is good to see individuals learn, grow and prosper withing the eUK; and so I have made it my personal mission to do what I (within the constraints that RL places upon me) to do my best to help others to move upwards.

The role of Congressman for N Ireland is one that allows me to do a certain amount for individuals at Govermental level - so please help to ensure that I get back to my well worn seat on the back benches in order that I may continue to serve you.

VOTE for a safe pair of hands - VOTE CertaCito!