CC - running for an unprecedented 23rd term of office in the UK House of Commons

Day 760, 14:54 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Yo ho ho - t'is the season of Good Cheer - and Congressional Elections.

Once again I shall be standing as UKRP nominee for Northern Ireland - if elected this will be my 23rd consecutive term of office. I am aiming to make it to the 2 year point if I can!

This term has been interesting in a number of ways.

Firstly, our party, the UKRP experienced the election and subsequent villification of "Winston L.S. Churchill" [ ], a player previously known within Erepublik as Ajay Bruno, who has a long and tempestuous political past. After a vigorous and effective campaign he managed to gain to post of UKRP Party President, whic as the eUKs largest party, ofered him good opportunities for moving upwards into higher government roles (in a manner in which he had done before). Whilst his energy and skill did much for the party numbers, his reputation, mode of operation and interpersonal skill left him with little support within the party hierachy, and consequently he lost the recent PP elections to Raziel DH.

Whilst his activity has been good for the party as a whole - he certainly managed to give the Party a huge jump start - mainly in the form of anti-Winston activity! Whilst he did demonstrate a certain level of competence in his technical use of the political mechanisms, his lack of any clear policies and his inability to unitie the party (other than in opposition to him_) lost him my support.

I was particularly saddened to see him 'burn' the contents of the UKRP party funds on dubious adverts, most noteably a Global ad for the'eVatican' - his pet project - which burnt through more than 60 GOLD from our coffers. In my eyes this was a clear mistake, which could have been ameliorated had he offered to repay the funds - but sadly this did not happen,

This month in Pariament has been much quieter than previous terms - with most activity being focussed on military activities. I have continued to wholeheartedly support the current initiatives in Denmark, Belgium and the USA - these together with so skillful manipulation of treaties with our allies and our joining of the new Phoenix Alliance have resulted in a constant stream of beneficial battles for our population with (to date) little loss.

We would appear to have stirred up our current adversaries in the eUSA somewhat; this has resulted in their President declaring the assimilation of Northern Ireland and London as National Goals This means that as we in Northern Ireland arelikely to have an action packed couple of weeks ahead of us! As one of the senior Field Marshals within the eUK military, I will be standing ready to give all that I have to the defence of our province!

Once again I ask for your vote in the Congressional Elections - irespective of whether you are a UKRP member or a serving member of the eUK Armed Forces.


UKRP Member & Congressman (22 consecutive terms), last CO RG before it was deconstructed, GM 'Hearts' Group, Founder and Patron - EEDA, MC, MBE and Field Marshal