Canada & Poland: Alliance?

Day 628, 13:55 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

With Canada Back on the Map, she looks to have Allies in the E-republic world.

Thanks to Jacobi an Alliance was accepted yesterday between Canada & Romania,

Less than six hours ago, the Polish President(Andrew6w6) proposed to re-Ally with Canada again(as the current polish-Canadian Alliance is almost over)

So far Congress members and nation leaders have voted in favour of the proposal. In my opinion they should also renew the Swedish Alliance, which is almost expired.

With Ontario gone, and only three provinces of Canada holding, we need all the help we can get, and the polish have supported us many times in battle, it only makes sense that this proposal should be passed.

Only time will tell if this Alliance will work.

Stay Strong Canada,

EDIT: The Alliance between Poland & Canada has been approved with a tally of,

19 For

12 Against