Brussels Resistance War - Post Exercise Analysis

Day 460, 01:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by certacito

Well - despite our good intentions the Brussels RW only lasted just over 24 hours, with the result that Brussels is now 'liberated'. Our intent was to prolong the conflict as long as possible in order to gain maximum battle experience - but sadly the amount of force that the 'Klingons' (foreign fighters - most of which were camped in N. Ireland for the duration of the conflict) brought to bear unbalanced the balancing exercise that eUK was attemping to maintain.

In this period Belgium (although there were very few Belgians fighting) amassed a total of 109506 damage points against the eUK 98370 points.

Top scorers were:

Belgium - voxyus (an Indonesian 'Tank' General) - 5474 damage points over some 28 fights

eUK - Pluvio (a Spanish General) - 3795 points over 32 fights

What was good to see was the number of inexperienced members of the eUK population who got themselves into actin, gathering valuable battle experience.

[Note for the uninitiate😛 The more you fight then the more battle experience you gain and thereby cause more damage in battle. Therefore it is GOOD to get as many of the population as possible to gain battle experience as this will increase our national fighting capability]

Lookng forward to the next war!
