Belgian Housing Project Week 4

Day 4,804, 02:07 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

Dear citizens,

The Belgian Housing Project is the program that aims to provide the citizens of Belgium with the money to buy a Q2 house weekly.

The main goal of the project is to give something back to our hardworking citizens. A Q1 house gives you an extra 50 energy and enough overtime points to work twice a day. Working overtime you earn enough CC to buy a new Q1 house and even make some profit. A Q2 house increases your total energy by another 80 and also gives you overtime points, which can be used to work overtime.

The Requirements are the same as the BHA's previous housing project'.
- To be a Belgian citizen
- To have an active Q1 house
- To have earned at least 500 experience points the previous week.

Every participant who meets the requirements will be donated enough CC to buy itself a Q2 house from the market. All participants who would like to claim further weekly rewards will need to have a Q1 and a Q2 house activated in order to receive further rewards.

* If you are a new player or you struggle with the currency let us know, and we can help you out with the first Q1 house.

Link to the signup form.
BHP sign up
Last week we had 20 patients join getting 19998.20 cc the total was 399 964 this week we want to pay 20450

Kind regards hallo 10