6 months later... and I have been drinking.

Day 955, 23:49 Published in USA USA by Old Man Jenkins67

Economy » EUSA's economy, or why is it our leaders do not seem to care.
Comment-newspaper 24 comments 6 months ago

I posted a simple question in the forum regarding E USA's economy. I was hoping one of our fearless leaders could help me understand why our economy is in the dumps.
Not one responded but non E USA citizens (for the most part.)

Maybe if we vote this article up, they will have to take notice and tell us why?

Here is a small sampling of the responses I got:

My Question:

Why is our economy just seem to be sinking?
Did I miss something?
Any Ideas, facts, or theory's?

Some of the responses:

1) Taking Karntaka and the resulting change in the value of the dollar was the biggest upset. Wages or the dollar's value needs to fall to improve the situation.

2) a) Exceedingly high income taxes
b) Exceedingly low import taxes

Short term, eAmerica's economy is run by people who have little to no idea what they are doing.

3) >a) Exceedingly high income taxes
>b) Exceedingly low import taxes

>Short term, eAmerica's economy is run by people who have little to no idea what they are doing. [x2]

And VAT as well.

4)They have idea - to rob average Joe, so they can have gold for wellness packs

5) yeah.. 50% tax on iron so loadsa noob get scammed then raise tax so the gov can go to war and say how great USA is... but in the long run this will feed through to the economy and lower wages means, people leave abroad and eUSA citizen will be poorer then they'll find they can afford less and less wars.

6) Try to convert evething to iron. See what it will happen 🙂

7) >And VAT as well.


😎The eUSA sucks.

Funny.. cuz u see americans posting that their economy is the best

9)>Funny.. cuz u see americans posting that their economy is the best

That is because they believe what their leaders tell them.

10)Yeah, the eUS economy is rather crappy, and has been for a long time. Thats why I moved to eGreece.

The 50% iron tax is to kill off Indonesian company owners in Karnataka though

11)I read Jewitt's reasoning. He doesn't know what he is talking about.
As said before,
eAmerica's economy is run by people who have little to no idea what they are doing.

12)I have no idea how economy stuff works, and I dont care. All I know is I'm getting fair wages and I'm still alive, what more could you ask for?

13)Ask for a better wage?

Canada - skill 4 land = 12 cad = 0.3264 gold after tax
USA - skill 4 land = 12.44 usd = 0.29856 gold after tax

get a moving ticket and go to Canada - Quebec for a job that pays you lots more 🙂

14)If the US gets the money they use it for tanking/lotteries(scratch that due to admins rule >:C)/helping. The government takes care of us(not in a controlling way, but in a careful way). So what if you make 1-2 extra BOB or HRK or USD. It goes to the government, and helps us win battles and such.

15)mister person the hability to buy 2 q1 weapons 1 unit of food and still save a few bucks to be able to buy 3 q1 weapons every 3-5 days is what 4 skill in land enables you in most of the developed countries of the eworld

16)not to mention that you betting in land is akward to say the least considering that the entire american excuse not to protect it´s job market it telling people they wanna be the best at manufacturing

17)Hrmm, why does the eUSA economy suck? Lets see...
"I have no idea how economy stuff works, and I dont care."

Isn't that part of the answer right there...?

a) Exceedingly high income taxes
b) Exceedingly low import taxes

Short term, eAmerica's economy is run by people who have little to no idea what they are doing.[x3]

1😎I cannot speak for everyone but the high income taxes are one of the reasons I left the eUS.

And the condescending attitudes, poor leadership, Mexican war. French War, USWP stranglehold, ect.

If you want change vote and sub!
Demand a response from our leaders!
And btw I fucking quit.