2023 Weekly Challenge Foolproof Strategy

Day 5,600, 12:45 Published in Romania Romania by Io Stefan Voievod


In this article I will share my personal strategy on achieving 40.000 prestige points every ‘normal’ week. This strategy is based on historical data and contains many variables and estimates, as such please understand the following

Disclaimer: Not investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results! I did not account for energy received from level ups.

TL; DR - On Tuesday morning aim for anything between 21-24k prestige points and you should be able to finish the Weekly Challenge. The minimum target is 20.000 for full energy recovery.

My prerequisites are:
- 9060 Energy Pool
- 577 Energy Bars
- 1 Prestige Points Booster
- Epic battle 🙏🏼

A normal 40.000 Weekly Challenge has the rewards listed in the table below, but I’m only interested in the energy recovery, which you get up until 20.000 prestige points, and the energy bars.

Tuesday morning at day change I have 9060 energy available, which means I’m starting the new week with 2,718 prestige points (9060/10*3). Investing 577 energy bars and 1 prestige points booster, as shown below, will get me to 20.000 prestige points and max. energy recovery.

The break-even point is at 34.000 prestige points i.e., if I invest 577 energy bars, I’ll receive 582.

With max. recovery I can start planning the week ahead. In the following table you’ll see that I have 860 recovery per hour, this is calculated using this formula: ((12 base recovery + 20 Power Pack + 50 Weekly Challenge + 4 from Q1 and Q2 houses) * 10) or simply put 86 energy every 6 minutes so 860 in an hour. Farming PP or prestige points earned between day change and full recovery can be used to farm medals (which is what I usually do).

We have now reached a crossroads with many possible scenarios, but I’ll discuss just some of them.

Scenario I – I fight until 20.000 prestige points
According to the schedule I could cruise and farm medals until 36.000, which means I could earn 622 energy bars from the Weekly Challenge, recouping my initial investment, and adding 45 energy bars to my inventory. Yay!

Scenario II – I fight until 20.000 prestige points, then log in twice a day
According to this plan, I can fight twice a day – at day change and after 10h 30 minutes – and still break-even on my investment. This is the lazy man’s schedule.

Scenario III – I fight until 23.750 prestige points
Life doesn’t care about my schedule, and I would like to spend less time playing this game, therefore I fight until almost 24k prestige points which will give me more leeway during the weekend. The trade-off is that I recoup my initial investment, but I don’t win any extra energy bars.

I wrote this so I won't have to redo the math every other week because of my short memory.
Link to full imgur album.