[#USWPride]Preparing for Congress

Day 4,627, 11:50 Published in USA USA by VoxHumana

Greetings, fellow members of USWP, fellow citizens of eUSA, and fellow travellers in the New World!

I am USWP President Krapis.

We are approaching our next session of Congress, and it will be my great honor to endorse several of our Party members to participate in influencing our National policy over the coming month.

I believe there are several important matters that the next Congress must address, beginning with our recent departure from CODE and subsequent neutrality.

There are several potential options in front of us.

USWP members have been actively discussing the situation in our Members-only boards at the eusaforums. I am sure our caucus will be prepared to influence a positive outcome for eUSA.

It is my opinion that we should strongly consider extending our current Training War agreement with the Asteria alliance. It isn’t the most exciting option, but it is a stable option, and it enables us to find out which countries coordinate well with us and which ones don’t. Perhaps true allies can arise from this situation, which seems a preferable outcome compared to contriving alliances with countries who don’t really seem interested in working with eUSA at all.

Another major issue that always faces Congress is immigration.

Anyone who runs for Congress under the USWP banner must and will be familiar with the IES standards as stated here: Citizen Approval Rules for Congress Members. I will also expect our Congress members to defend IES against any rogue congress members who decide to take immigration into their own hands.

eUSA, especially during its current situation, is a stable economy, so there are citizens from around the eWorld who want to set up their shops here. IES, is an extremely important function of our government, as it can affect foreign affairs as well as domestic affairs. USWP Congress members must and will abide with IES regulations.

If you are a member of the United States Workers Party, please remember to cast your vote on the 25th.

If you are USWP, you ought to be USWProud!

Remember to check in daily at the USWP Members Boards.
