[TC][#22] Max Planck For Chairman

Day 4,463, 04:20 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung


Max Planck For Chairman

Fellow party members,

I have officially entered the SFP Party Presidential election as of yesterday and in this article, I would like to talk about that as well as some recent events.

Here is my agenda for the term in chronological order:

-An update article from the Chairman

-Open RevCom Chat, Open Communique Chat

-Appoint and open an election for RevCom voting membership

-Open Congress Call

-Treasury Check

-Election of a new SFP Treasurer by RevCom

-Restructuring of the now-defunct Housing Program

-An update article from the Chairman

-Open Congressional Primary

-Development of an SFP Cooperative

-Open Country Presidential Primary (My goal being to put forward a viable candidate for the Country Presidency from the SFP)

-A farewell article or I might run for chairman again, haven't decided yet

With my plan for the term outlined here are my cabinet picks:


Secretary General

RF Williams


RevCom Appointees:



Leroy Combs


Now there is an elephant in the room… or rather a clown.

Yes, everyone's favorite clown and chickensh*t is back in the good ol’e eUSA. Surely he will try to upend our politics and sow dissent amongst our ranks (as noted in his recent article:https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/declaration-of-a-civil-war-in-eusa-2712550/1/20) and in the event that occurs the party is amply equipped with procedures to combat such a threat. As far as it goes now, it seems to be a minor inconvenience / troll attempt and we will not let this disrupt the normal functions of the party.

Please be ready to wield the hammer of revolution and the Socialist Freedom Party Constitution wherever necessary in the face of this nasty monarchist clown threat.

Before I go I'd like to extend this survey to the active members of the party who run companies. It’s an Economic Survey and SFP Party Internal Research looking into the infrastructure and business models used by members of the party. Partaking in the survey will allow the RevCom to compile data on the number of companies the party has. This info will be used in the coming term to potentially set up a cooperative system within the party.


~SFP Councilor Max Planck