[SFPOM][SFPCN] Election Results and Coop Update

Day 4,501, 11:05 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung


Howdy comrades,

This will be a joint SFP Official Media - SFP Cooperative Article.

As you may have seen, I have been reelected for a second term.

Here’s the results of the SFP election:

Fed Election:

WTP Election:

BSP Election:

USWP Election:

Good job and congratulations to each of the winners!

This term we will likely have three programs operating in the SFP.

These programs will be:

The SFP Supply Drop Program

-Run by shiloh13 with three supply drops a week-

The SFP Producer Cooperative

-Run by various Producers and Treasurered by Leroy Combs-


(returning soon) The SFP Housing Program

-To be restructured by the Revolutionary Committee and likely run by the SFP Party Treasurers-

Party Treasurers:




CONGRESS CALL!! http://sfp-erep.forumotion.com/t1536-congress-call-march-april

In conclusion my goals this term will be:

- To revamp the housing program

- The continuation of the SFP Producer Cooperative

- Development of a Proposal to the eInternationale for involved parties to form cooperatives of their own and to federate them under an elected eInternationale Treasurer

- Continuation of the Supply Drop Program

- Inter-Party Coalition for election cycle

Howdy fellow Producers and Party Colleagues,

I have some updates for you on our Cooperative.


First, here's our Ledger as of Day 4,501 and at the time of writing this:

3/12/2020 Initial Deposit $625,000
3/12/2020 Leroy Deposit: $100,000 Total: $725,000
3/12/2020 Centomax Deposit: $100,000 Total: $825,000
3/12/2020 PilotPhil Deposit: $100,000 Total: $925,000
3/13/2020 TheePostman Deposit: $20,000 Total: $945,000
3/13/2020 Centomax Deposit: $1,224 Total: $946,224
3/13/2020 Max Planck Deposit: $1,000 Total: $947,224
3/14/2020 Max Planck Deposit: $1,000 Total: $948,224
3/14/2020 LordOther Deposit: $2,500 Total: $950,724
3/14/2020 Centomax Deposit: $2,300 Total: $953,024
3/15/2020 LordOther Deposit: $1,976.00 Total: $955,000
3/15/2020 Max Planck Deposit: $1,000.00 Total: $956,000
3/15/2020 Goxi HN Deposit: $5,000.00 Total: $961,000
3/16/2020 Max Planck Deposit: $1,000.00 Total: $962,000
3/16/2020 TheePostman RM Funding: -$34,000.00 Total: $928,000
3/17/2020 Max Planck Deposit: $1,000.00 Total: $929,000

Total Funds To Date: $929,000

A Reminder of who the SFP Producer Cooperative Treasurer is:

And lastly, I have begun discussing with the current eUS administration grounds for using a government org for this program. We should be receiving one to use within a week or two at the latest.

Before I go The SFP Producer Cooperative is recruiting. Those who wish to participate should contact me, another producer, or Leroy Combs to join.

(In the SFP Producer Cooperative, WRM, ARM, HRM, FRM, Food, Weapon, Aircraft Weapon, and Housing Producers all pool some of their daily income from the market, (CC or USD) that they individually set, using an Elected Treasurer to hold the funds.)

Thanks for reading!

~Chairman Max Planck~