[PotUS] WhydoIbotherToo Recap 1

Day 3,552, 19:51 Published in USA USA by WhydoIbotherToo

Good day America. It sure has been a busy week. I hope you’ve all had just as great of a time as I have. Being YOUR President has been fun. I have accomplished some of my campaign promises already and am diligently working on the others.

Let us recap the week shall we. We renewed our MPP with Canada and are on our way to renewing Peru. We’ve worked with our new friends in New Zealand on an agreement to change our occupation of their regions to a Training War that will benefit both countries through constant battles to increase rank, gain True Patriot medals, and have fun. We have reset determination in almost all of our Ukrainian holdings with only 1 region left to regain after our current battle with them is over. We also proposed an update to the New Citizen Message that will help direct new citizens to our eUS Discord Channel. https://discord.gg/qeCQWnk

Whew, that was a lot of stuff. Wait, was there something else? Did I forget something in my old age? Oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you about the AARP!!!!!! The Dept of Citizen Affairs newest program that will give you, the US Airman, 1,000 energy EVERY day just for fighting in air rounds. Read all about it here: https://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-doca-aarp-free-food-for-flying-2648007/1/20. There have already been 40 people to come and get their Early Bird Special. Make sure you get yours.

It has not all been good news this week though. Unfortunately, Tom Cauchon has had some issues arise and has had to be replaced as the head of the Dept of Citizen Affairs. In his stead, I have appointed a relative newcomer to the game and national stage. Join me in congratulating Maxwell Hanz for being given the role of Secretary of Citizen Affairs. I know that he will do a great job in leading that department.

Over the next week, my team and I are looking to update/improve additional DoCA initiatives and possibly find another Training War partner.

Thank you America,
Your PotUS