Here Are The SFP PP Candidates

Day 3,519, 07:36 Published in USA USA by Max Tse Tung

Jimmy Cincinnati


Seniority: 6 years
Congressional Terms: 6
Party Chairmen Terms: 7

Description: Jimmy has been around for years and is certainly perfect for the Party Presidency as he has served as our Party Chairmen a total of 7 times. He is doing his best to fasten together a Team to lead the SFP down a stronger road in the coming term, if elected. Personally I feel Jimmy is a very dedicated player and would be a perfect leader.


Q: Can you tell me about your cabinet?

A: The cabinet is composed of teams. I've chosen them purely for their good looks.

Q: What direction do you plan on steering the party in?

A: I don't plan on steering the party I'll let democracy reign..

Q: Got any plans? Ideas? Changes?

A: I'll be trying various tactics to get people engaged with our democratic process. We can offer incentives for those that are involved. I'd like to rebuild some party programs. The biggest change is the independence from the eUSA forum, and I'd like to follow through with it.

Hillary Clinton10

Seniority: 5 months
Congressional Terms: 1
Party Chairmen Terms: 0

Description: I don't know much about Hillary but I see a major persistence, and I like that. I also love the under-dog. (myself being one) Even if Hillary is considered the under-dog I must say I have been seeing the name quite a lot and that is a good thing for her political career. Hillary believes she can bring our party up to 3rd place.


Q: Can you tell me about your cabinet?

A: My cabinet will be including the best people that I know I can trust With knowledge in this game that they want to give and work hard as much as they can for the party.

Q: What direction do you plan on steering the party in?

A: i believe we will stay the most democratic party as we always were...

Q: Got any plans? Ideas? Changes?

A: i have a plan for the party that includes inside articles and more posts to make people understand that we are the only party that can bring a real change for this country, I know that if I will elected me and my crew will work hard to make a change and we will start in the party and continue to the country and when we will finish eUS will be greater and stronger then ever. thank you.

These are the official SFP Party President Candidates vote to your hearts desire!

*PP Candidates!! Message me your input to these questions, I've already contacted you but I would like to finish the Edit on this article, Thanks!