[EA] Vote EA for a Safe eIreland!

Day 4,201, 16:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

Soon we have Congress elections, and they are more important than you may think at first. A lot is at stake, we need responsible leadership, and there is only one political party in eIreland that can offer a completely experienced field of candidates.

The congressmen of our republic must be active and always aware of the Congress thread. Recently, we have been having problems with uncontrolled immigration.

Our elected congressmen will listen to the head of congress, the Minister of Immigration, or any other body that controls immigration. In lieu of any official orders, our congressmen will show restraint and care in order to protect our nation.

Political Take Overs (PTOs) remain a threat in the modern game, and the only way to prevent them is to elect responsible congressmen.

So, vote EA for a safe eIreland, and an experienced Congress!!

- King Trito

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