XI: Rocky Mountain Way

Day 1,524, 07:31 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

ACCOMPANYING MUSIC: http://youtu.be/Rt75y38J00s

Greetings and Salutations, Friends:

I am Jude Connors... and I am running for Congress in Colorado.

Now if it isn't apparent why I picked the Centennial State, let me clue you in. Every year, the state is known for its massive 420 Day festivities including the world's largest smoker demonstration, held near the doors of the State Capitol.

But enough about that, the question is... "WHY ELECT ME TO CONGRESS?" Well, here's a rundown of the experience I have in Leadership roles in the New Worl😛

• Cultivator and first and only Party President of the US Marijuana Party.
• current Producer of eNPR.
• current Deputy Director of OMS.
• former Lieutenant in the World Famous SEAL Team 6 fighting force.
• former US Undersecretary of State.
• former Vice President of the Libertarian Party.
• one-time White House Press Secretary.
• eight-time Congressman in the eUSA.
• three-time Congressional Leadership.
• four-time United States Workers Party President.
• two-time Chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party Revolutionary Committee.
• one-time Minister of Defense of ePhilippines.
• former Quartermaster of the eUSArmy (Lieutenant Colonel).
• three-time eUSA Secretary of the Interior.
• former eUSA Ambassador to eHungary.
• various other Cabinet and party positions.

Even Custer likes to toke it up with me in Colorado

So in this time of American domination, experience is still what we need in Congress. I have always put the good of the eAmerican people before my own ambitions, and I pledge to continue to do the same. Remember to head over to Colorado and Vote for Jude Connors on the 25th!

I ask for the opportunity to try to make a difference. If you agree, join me in moving to Colorado and be ready to cast that vote. In fact, if you are willing to pledge your vote to me, please let me know. Your vote may be needed to defend the eUSA against a foreign (or even domestic) political attack.

Join the US Marijuana Party for a different party experience. We believe in helping one another and teaching and mentoring new players. We want to have fun in an active forum and chat room. We are creating a place where it is fun to chill while learn. We will run people for Congress and help our members succeed. Everyone deserves a choice; everyone is important; everyone should be respected.

So come give a try if you are interested in a fun time or looking to get active in a community of active players. Recruiting is underway and we welcome everyone aboard the Magical Mystery Tour. Whether you smoke pot or not, whether you are old or young, whether you know your shit or are as dumb as shit... you are welcome.

Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie

Click to visit my Facebook page.

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