Why you should vote for DAL.

Day 856, 13:35 Published in Canada Canada by Karsten Skeries
Because I told you to!

The DAL is the largest and most full-of-win party out there, emerging from the humblest of beginnings. Let us travel back in time to see what exactly went down...

Isn't time travel fun?

Dominik: "Oh LOOK! A random, n00b party! I'ma go and PTO it! Hur Dur!"

Scorpius: &quot😉OMINIK I LOVE YOU!"

*Fast-forwards slightly*

Scorpius: &quot😉OMINIK I HATE YOU!"

Citizen B: "Must! Recruit! MEMBERS!"

Back to the present!

And there you have it kiddies: the reason why you should ALL vote DAL in this congressional election! All members of the DAL are generally bad ass, able to get shit done. How else do you think we have grown so large? 😛
