Why training wars are against the interests of the people.

Day 3,552, 01:49 Published in Pakistan Iran by Mohammad Ali Darwish

السلام عليكم
Greetings to our dear readers.

As most of Pakistani citizens know, Pakistan is involved in a very long training war (TW) with Iran. Due to this war, Pakistan has no functioning economy, a lot of players seen to have left, and seems to have a leadership supported by foreign countries and driven by wealth and power, putting foreign interests before national interests.

First of all, what is a TW good for? A TW is always derived from an understanding between two countries to 'safely' emulate a war between the two Nations. In these wars, a lot of money can b made by fulfilling achievements like True Patriot and Freedom Fighter. This TW usually involves 2 nations not equal to one other, and will usually involve financial benefits for the 'lesser' nation's government. In the case of Pakistan, along with the TW is an agreement for the rental of Balochistan. So payments are regularly made to Pakistan by Iran. This sounds good.

But the ugly truth behind this kind of agreements is that it only benefits the ruling class of the country, especially the President and his inner circle. While Balochistsn is property of all Pakistanis, the rental money is not divided among the populace. Having that said, it wouldnt have had to be physically handed out, but rather invested in Pakistan and the Pakistani economy! It is rather used to enrich the ruling class. Also the TW itself will only benefit the upper class, who have already established themselves economically and militarily. A new player simply can't grow in an environment where there is no working economy, and where there are agreements which only benefit the titans.

So what harm does this to Pakistan? Well, one can simply look at the the amount of corpses of new players and decide for themselves.
Pakistan's ONLY resources are in Balochistan. These resources have the potential to spur economic growth in the aircraft weapons sector. Imagine a Pakistani economy where foreign nationals want to put holdings in Pakistan because of these resources? Why wasn't such an agreement made with Iran? Wouldn't that be of infinitely more benefit for the Pakistani economy than just simply robbing Pakistan of its ONLY resources by renting it out and keeping the money for the elite? Pakistan could have been a thriving hub of production and international trade, but due to either the shortsightedness, or the greed of the ruling elite (or both) this is still only a dream.

But this dream can become reality soon, but only if all patriotic Pakistanis cooperate. Pakistan is a democracy. In a democracy, the political power is potentially in the hands of the masses, and not in the hands of a mafia-like elite. So why are they still in power one may ask? The answer is 2-fol😛 education and unity. If there is no transparency and education of the masses about the current situation of our country, the people will keep voting for the wrong parties with their false claims, oblivious of the fact that these parties are not working in the interest of the country. That's why we must keep writing articles and never stop raising our voices to expose the truth.

Another reason is unity, or actually the lack thereof. While the corrupt ruling elite comes in the form of the Democratic Party of Pakistan (DPP), the patriotic opposition are divided among some smaller parties, dividing the votes in elections. This is why the DPP always wins elections and nothing ever changes. The only solution is for the opposition parties to stand behind one party chosen from the opposition parties, and the other opposition parties supporting this chosen party in elections. In this way, all opposition votes could be bundled to strike the fatal blow to the ruling elite.

The oppostion should, for the greater good, put National interest before personal or party interests, and make a united fist in the upcoming elections. Which party will be supported by the others in the elections must be decided by the party leaders. But it necassary fot the salvation of Pakistan. An alternative could be the creation of a new party for all opposition to migrate to, or for all opposition to join an existing party and electing a new leadership for that party.

A military option (a coup leading to dictatorship which would be a necessary evil for the salvation of Pakistan)is probably not feasible unless we have foreign allies for ourselves to militarily back our coup, because Iran and other foreign powers will most certainly pick the side of the DPP elite and crack down on the opposition's coup. Without foreign allies, the only solution is a democratic solution of united opposition parties in a single block.