Why this paper supports Aaron as UKWRP leader!

Day 2,608, 12:17 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Il Padrino di mafiosi

The need for a new party leader has arrived. Let's be honest: Huey has been here a long time, and so this newspaper has a lot of respect for him and would be very happy at his reelection, but nothing (great or bad) endures but change (Heraclitus)...

However, Aaron Mark Daniels is a leader who can bring about diverse ideas, positive change, and an attitude of looking after us: the members of this great party. Imagine a party like that: it could be even greater than it already is.

And let us not forget that a vote for Aaron is a vote for... Aaron! That is easily enough reason for him.

We would also like to point out that Il Padrino is on.y standing to raise his profile, so is not expecting to win, in fact we would suggest that a vote for that awful, corrupt, incompetent and ignorant person would be a waste of a vote 😉