Why Majester?

Day 828, 07:24 Published in Australia USA by Majester
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My fellow Australians,
http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f318/Majester/eRepublik/bug_aar.jpg" border="10" width="200" height="200" align="right" />
I once again make myself available for the Senate to continue my quest to make Australia as friendly and strong as possible.

Social Policy
It is the government’s responsibility that there are always enough jobs available to our citizens. This is achieved through government funded companies (GFC), charities, or privately owned companies. As long as the wage is high enough to buy Food, no citizen is ever denied increasing their job skill and working towards a Hard Worker Medal. A lack of jobs kills babies and causes emigration.

We need to continue with our information distribution for wellness and health education. This plays an important role to ensure our citizens know how to maintain a high level of wellness for higher productivity. New citizens should be given assistance wherever possible and encouraged to contribute to our country by working as often as possible and joining the army. These are the two essentials for a strong future. Everyone that we interact with should be encouraged to join up to the forums to understand and be informed about what is happening in eAustralia.

Military Service
Australians need to continually be encouraged to sign up to the defence force. This helps build community, enables faster ranking, and prepares the populace for general mobilisation when needed. The more citizens interact, the less likely they are to desert our shores or leave the game.

Curriculum Vitae
Political Career
I was Senator for South Australia (3 terms) and the previous Party President for the Procreate and Populate Party (2 terms). During my time in senate I was actively involved and had a near 100% voting record (the head-less chicken occasionally struck me out). Never afraid of robust debate, I am prepared to face down any opponent in the name of fairness and good governance.
http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f318/Majester/eRepublik/New-AAR-Echo-100-1.jpg" border="0" width="100" height="100" align="right" />
Military Career
I am a current the commanding officer of Second Platoon Echo Squad of the Australian Army Reserves and a Boot Camp instructor for the Australian Army Reserves. I have previously served in Llama Squad of the ACUK, and in various other squads in the AAR where I was needed. I am proud that a good portion of my troops have gone on to become officers. I also privately recruit as I have spare Gold.

In addition to my service to eAustralia in government and the military, I actively help new citizens either in my personal capacity.

I eagerly wait to serve you in the Senate this month, and a usual, I am open to your requests. Please vote Majester in Western Australia