Where are my brothers?

Day 1,730, 01:33 Published in USA Pakistan by BadMail
The situation in eArgentina :

Lets see eArgentina Brothers :


Yesterday we failed to beat eIndonesia, now is a good time to beat eIndonesia. Sorry eArgentina


Sorry eArgentina, eTurkey more important than you.


Sorry eArgentina, we still busy with eIndonesia.


Sorry eArgentina, we still busy with eSerbia.


Sorry eArgentina, eTurky more important than you.

sorry, I can not find them on the eMap.

/me puk puk pundak eArgentina, sabar ya....
As ex-brother from BIA, I am sorry for eArgentina. Because right now, eArgentina is surrounded by fake brothers who prove their brotherhood in newspaper rather than in battlefield

Sorry For my Bad English, I am just a BadMail