What is brought to the table: A Dissection of Lies

Day 1,170, 23:53 Published in Australia Australia by Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen

So I decided to read infin's article and found some interesting deviations from the truth.

* Larni proclaims herself as awesome. Seriously can it be safe to vote for someone so intoxicated by their own aura? Hubris normally sets in after a couple of terms yet Larni will be plagued by it from the start of hers if she wins.

Not true, I was named AWESOME during the liberation RW’s by not only EDEN, eUS, eIndia, eIsrael as well as the rest of our allies but it was also strongly implied in our enemy (eIndo) papers that I was someone to be wary of. Though I only started using it (for fun) because The Awesome One Cottus Arci called me it 😉

* Larni admitted her skills are "in destruction and not rebuilding." When she resigned from the CP race last month she admitted "As a War Time CP I would have been in my element but I know my limitations and have no problem endorsing Srg91 for the rebuilding phase." Larni know your limitations: stick to resigning from Ministries half way through your term - you have done it once with Bowen Eley and now with sir_c0nstant. We don't need an ADHD kid as CP.

Again not true, I’ve been in cabinet 5 times now, only resigned once. As Bowen’s MoD, the issues I had there are well documented. At the time you were calling for me to take over as CP. And I quote “Arfman has no credentials to be leader and was not involved in any of the most recent RW actions. In my opinion Larni Kaddlestorm must be permitted to continue her important work with full executive power. As such I have moved a motion in the Senate to appoint Larni as Prime Minister (while Wally Wilson continues to push the buttons). Strange how you change your tune now? http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-fantasy-has-been-shattered-1618292/1/20

* Larni still dreams about her 5 mins of glory in the resistance wars of December 2010, and fails to acknowledge that immediately after all the hulk smashing was finished Indo simply strolled back into the territories she had single-handedly liberated - well with a little help from the Australian taxpayer . Her resistance wars and obsession with fighting Indonesia will cause continued poverty and displacement to Australians. sir_c0nstant's Chile campaign has been a new challenge for Australia to refocus us from continued warring with Indo which is a futile exercise.

The instructions I left were quite simple, we had to hold SA, all of our support was going to be focused there. ANP members decided that was not the case and as a result we almost lost everything. It was only fear of EDEN and our friends coming back that convinced eIndo to leave us with a few token states. As for the funds, it cost the tax payers a grand total of 400g to win all seven states. 100g under budget so again you seem to just be making stuff up to suit your argument

* Larni is looking to commence more resistance wars if electe😛 "I can get support for RW’s in WA, SA and Victoria from amongst our allies". Our allies are ineffective. Immediately after the December 2010 RW's were completed, they vanished. This is a perilous strategy and I warn the voters against endorsing it.

‘I can get support’ meaning it is an option, unlike now where eIndo simply ignore us they will take a little more notice if I was CP. Again you comment on our allies being ineffective, yet we did not hold SA. Why would they spend thousands of gold on us when we decide to value saving money over saving land?

* I cannot be critical enough on the risk Larni presents to Australia as a potential CP. We need cool calm thinking which sir_c0nstant venja and Majester have displayed over this term. It has been very settling to serve with such balanced people. Contrast this to the grotesque imbalances displayed by Larni as she accuses anyone who disagrees with her a troll. I have also been counting how many times sir_c0nstant has accused someone of talking like an idiot this term - ZERO.

You cannot be critical enough? You can’t be honest enough to provide anything other than lies and nonsense. But then that is expected of you.

* The key complaint of DIYPA is a lack of transparency yet in her own article Larni says: "As for government transparency, I will make no promises there." W ... T ..... F....

I speak honestly, I will not simply lie to attract voters or make false promises that I have no intention of delivering. My CP run is not about winning, its about coming second place and I certainly won't start lying about things. People are smart enough to connect the dots themselves.

Oh Callumh has posted an article, not really accurate but lets be honest if the end result is I get 30% of the votes then the job will be done. Though it is bias omitting a lot of con's about Sir C but its not about black marking him. We want him to have another term remember.

And CH has done another of his silly articles, what a shock. I wonder what these people would do if I ever actually tried to win this thing...

In the future, lets check facts, it saves embarrassment in the future 😉