What is a Cabinet, and how can I get involved?

Day 1,347, 18:25 Published in Australia Australia by Timeoin

Hello eAustralia.

As promised a few days ago, in my last article, I have comprised a list of Cabinet members.

These people will help me being eAustralia forward into the bright future that it deserves. Each of these people has been carefully selected, and represent people across many different parties. Even former "enemies" of mine, DocterDry and TJ Norton have been included, because I want to help our country move forward into greatness.

Without further ado, here is my cabinet...

Prime Minister:
Timeoin (Aka me)

Deputy Prime Minister:

Chiefs of Staff - Garven Dreis and Schoft

Minister of Finance - Venja
dMinister of Finance - Arfman

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Tim Holtz
dMinister of Foreign Affairs - Super Chris

Minister of Public Relations - Crowded House (aka Mr Crumpets)
dMiniser of Public Relations - Viado Celtru

Minister of National Security - Wally Wilson
dMinister of National Security - guagature

Minister of Defence - Hodds
dMinister of Defence - Michael Windsor

Minister for Immigration - Mark Brennan

Minister of Cabinet Morale - Hookerbunny

DocterDry - Minister of Admin Relations

Minister of Education - AgeofSpace
dMinister of Education - Lord Ferrum

TJ Norton - Senate Liason

General Interns - Lailai621 & Wazzatron

Most of these positions are fairly straight-forward.

The people listed are clearly the best people for the job, as you can see by their being named here. The only position that really needs any explaining is the General Interns. Both of these people will be members of my cabinet, and will function generally as deputies across the various departments, helping out in ways that need doing on a temporary basis. (I.e. one week, defence might need more staff, so they will help there for a week).

So - congratulations to everyone named here! You have now been included in the cabinet for the next month. (And this is your notice of such).

Lets do this people. EAustralia for EAustralians! o7


p.s. A late inclusion into the list is Infin. He shall be appointed as Ambassador to eMalaysia and ePhilippines, since word has it he is in constant communication with them