What has Congressman Caesar been doing for you?

Day 667, 17:17 Published in Canada Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00

This is a great question. I have already released two blocks of my voting record with the third to come at the end of my term. It’s great to know how I voted on the taxation plans, alliances, etc. but very little of it is controversial and many votes end with a clear majority (70-80😵 and so it’s hard to get a feel from that what I am doing for the average Canadian.

Much of the work that is being done can’t be seen from eRepublik. It’s conducted either on the eCanada forum, on IRC, behind closed doors, or on instant messaging.
Each accomplishment will be listed based upon the type of work.

Foreign Relations

As you may already know, I am the Ambassador to eArgentina and I have been in peace talks with them since my appointment about one month ago. I have made serious efforts to repair the bond that was broken between us and I wrote a letter of apology for our actions from the ATLANTIS era and I will present you with it as it was published on the Argentine forum.

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At the time, I had not yet been elected to Congress and it was met with great optimism by the last elected Congress. Thus, I continued intensive talks daily to improve relations. I did so every day with the Minister of Foreign Relations (Dasein) and their former President Krakonico. I reached a point where they were in a moderate state of agreement with a formal declaration of peace, but required Congressional approval which Krakonico apparently did not have with the incoming Congress. I drafted a letter for them to present to their Congress which I will present to you in a moment. Before I could do so, I sought out approval from our Congress for the action I was about to take and the result was strangely negative. Here is the letter:

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Since this time, Krakonico has been replaced with a new President named Apocalipsis who I have been in contact with briefly, but serious discussions have been on hold from that point forward.


I put forth a proposal to change the housing import tax from 35% to 99%. The principal reason to do so is to disable the ability of enemy nations from selling homes in Canada and prevent them removing gold from our economy and placing it in the hands of the Hungarian Elite squad for example. We have a strong housing industry and the world’s largest wood industry and we are more than capable of handling things ourselves.

In my voting, I have approved the reduction in import taxes on iron to improve the supply of inexpensive weapons for our citizens. I have voted against radical proposals for the grain and oil industries which would unfairly reward their employees with tax breaks that would deprive Canada of some of its war-making capacity. I have approved of a tax change in the diamond industry that would reduce resource costs for our gift-making industries, and I have also approved a change in taxation for the food industry which would inhibit foreign competition in our markets and increase taxation income to normal levels.


My actions, my voting, and my personal interests are all completely transparent to the Canadian people and to fellow members of Congress and government. I publish my in-game voting record for all citizens to see. One citizen I recall asking why I voted against a certain issue and I explained fully the reasons behind it and what I wanted to change before the proposal had my vote. I have responded to each and every citizen's private message to me in a timely fashion. I have declared potential conflicts of interest on the eCanada forum, even going so far as to place it in my signature on every post I make.

I am a proud and loyal member of the Canadian Social Democrats. We are the only Canadian party committed to complete transparency. All masked citizens on our party forum are guaranteed access to the entire forum, not sections of it. We welcome all Canadians to join. For those who haven't visited before, it's located here: http://adasko.boo.pl/csd/forums/index.php

In the past election, our party along with the Canadian National Coalition offered nominations to all Canadians regardless of party affiliations to run on our ticket with no strings attached. That's our dedication to Canada.

New Citizen Assistance

Every single day, what money I receive in income that is not spent on weapons in our defence, is spent on helping new eCanadians. eRepublik can be a challenging environment for new eCanadians. They need a strong voice and a hand up. I hand out moving tickets so they can move to Alberta for the Q5 hospital, or food so they can raise their wellness in order to fight for Canada and become self-supporting. Each dollar comes out of my personal funds. Some of you reading may have even been recipients.


I work not just for personal interests, nor my party, I work for the average eCanadian. I have made citizenship available to all who demonstrate a commitment to Canada, and I have expedited the process for those who make the effort to do so.

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Don't ever say Gaius Julius Caesar00 doesn't work for you. 😉

Infrastructure for Newfoundland

Newfoundland is a small province. At the time of my election, there were a little over 110 citizens there. Now, it's down to 70 and dropping. I had one constituent present to me his concern about the lack of a hospital in his home province. I did not brush him off, in fact I lobbied Congress for support in this plan.

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When another nation offered us hospitals at a cut-rate, Newfoundland was one of the top suggestions. I like to believe my push helped create that environment.

This is the nation I am helping to build and this is what I have done for you, Canada.


The Honourable G. J. Caesar00