Day 327, 02:19 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by darkyojimbo

Greetings, citizens of New World

We just have a conference between eIndonesia and eAustralia regarding eAustralia Independence.

Citizen of Indonesia, they called us greedy when we offer to give them Canberra and Brisbane, economy stability, and a friendly neighbor ally.
I even said that all regions will be returned to you, except for Perth, one by one in the future. We will even send them the commodity the don't have with a fair price.
And they said we are greedy.
If I was greedy, there won't even be any conference between us.

Don't you think you're the ones who is greedy? Asking for so much while the ball is in our hand? Yeah, you might have Sweden, USofA, UK or the whole ATLANTIS backing you up; but I say this to you: You shall not get any single land from us, because of your greed.

I fear to tell you all that we could not reach an agreement; and so we will take the last option. [bWAR[/b]

